28: Dad?

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Steve kicked his feet up on the kitchen table and pulled out his phone, dialing something and holding the device to his ear, waiting for an answer. After a couple rings, someone picked up.

"Hello?" a gruff voice said.

"Hey, it's Steve Rogers."

"Oh shit, hey man. It's Logan. How are ya?"

"I'm doing good! Get this— my sons fiancé saw Summers like last week here in New York and he said Scott told him that he and Jean got married."


"They got married! Got hitched! Bride and groom!"

"Well shit. They finally did it."

"God knows we've all been waiting forever," Steve chuckled. "I'm hoping to run into them soon, congratulate them and grill them about the proposal."

"Knowing Scotty it was probably an accidental type thing. He tripped and the box fell outta his pocket and she grabbed it before he could, or somethin' like that." Logan chuckled under his breath but Steve gave a full-body laugh, throwing his head back.

"Oh man, I can picture that." After a second Steve asked, "Hey man, do you wanna grab dinner or something?"


"You could com here," Steve shrugged.

"Oh, uh, I'd rather not." Steve remembered the never-ending feud between Tony and the X-Men and sighed.

"Right. That's fine. Uh, just pick a place and I'll meet you there."


"Are you in Manhattan?"

"I can be in two hours."

"Then yeah tonight, if you're willing. Or I can come to you, whatever works."

"Chivalrous little shit," Logan huffed. "Why can't you just decide?"

"Fine. Uh, okay, then meet me tonight at six o'clock. I'll send you the address."

"Alright. I'll see you then."

"Cool. Later, Logan."

"See you later, buddy." Steve clicked 'end' and slipped his phone in his pocket. He was so glad to be seeing Logan again; it had been over a decade since he had seen him last, God knows what's changed since then.

"Shit, I should probably shower. Well, I have five hours until I have to leave...." Steve mumbled to himself.

"Talkin' to yourself, Cap?" Steve tipped his head back to see who it was.

"Oh hey Bruce! Yeah, I'm just trying to schedule my day."

"It's already noon. You eat yet?"

"Yeah. I'm going to dinner tonight with an old friend and I don't know what to do until then."

"Oh shit, I know how you feel. Passing time is hard." Bruce ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. "I dunno man. Tony's running tests on Quill right now, so he's busy. Peter's grounded, so he and Wade are watching movies. Uhhhh.... The other guardians are doing fuck knows what on the roof. I think Thor is throwing Rocket on his hammer? I don't know."

"They're weird," Steve sighed. Bruce nodded.

"Weird as shit. But hey, they're aliens."

"And that makes them less weird because...?"

"Oh, it doesn't. They're still weird as shit. Anyway, Clint and Pietro are still gone, Nat is off hanging out with Fury.... Bucky and Sam aren't still in D.C. are they?"

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