5: Day Two

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August 11th

Peter slept in his own bed that night, snuggled into Wade's broad chest. When he woke up, he stayed still for a while, capturing the beauty of his sleeping boyfriend's face in the sunlight shining through the window

"How long have you been staring at me?" Wade mumbled, startling Peter so much so that he jumped. His face flushed scarlet and he hid his face from Wade. Wade chuckled and pulled him closer, hugging Peter to his chest. "No, it's cute. And you're only reminding me of just how attractive I am." He whispered the last part, his voice a low husk next to Peter's ear.

"Wade!" Peter squealed, reaching down and shoving Wade's hand away from where it had been slowly advancing up his thigh. Wade laughed and Peter grumbled something incoherent.

"Now, are we going to get up or lay in bed all day?" Wade asked, pushing Peter's chin up so he was could see Peter's face.

"Well, I'm basically under house arrest for the next few days and then some, because I know my family. We can't really go outside, but we can go make breakfast."

"How about we make a lot of pancakes?" Wade suggested with a grin. Peter raised an eyebrow.

"How many pancakes are you thinking?"

"Not too many, just a small amount. Maybe 372,844?" Peter looked at him. He didn't even react, he just stared.



They did end up making pancakes. They did not, however, make 372,844 pancakes. They only made fifty-one, and they were all eaten.

Peter and Natasha each had one, Clint, Tony, Pietro and Wanda had two each, Bucky ate three, Sam, Scott, and Bruce each had four, Steve and Thor each ate five, Matt had six, and Wade ate a whopping ten whole pancakes.

"I don't even know how you aren't dead yet," Peter mumbled, pushing Wade away from him. Wade had leaned over with puckered lips and a mouth full of pancake. He swallowed it all down and grinned.

"I've died before, Pete. Remember?" Peter rolled his eyes. "Can I have a kiss now, then?" He leaned back over and Peter shook his head, pushing Wade back again. "Why not?"

"Because you're covered in maple syrup and it's disgusting. Wash your face and I might kiss you." Wade mumbled something that Peter couldn't hear and went to the sink to wash his face. They were the only two left in the kitchen, as everyone else had gone off to do whatever. Wade walked back over, his face no longer covered in syrup, and leaned down with his lips puckered. Peter rolled his eyes but leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend.

Click. "You guys are adorable." Wade jumped back and they both looked at the doorway. Natasha smiled and tucked her phone in her pocket. "Peter, we have present number two ready if you want. Go to the floor above Bruce's lab. Wade, you escort him please." She turned and started to walk away, but returned a second later to add, "I recommend shoes." Then she left.

Wade grinned and Peter sighed. He knew that Wade knew what the surprise was, but he also knew that Wade was never going to tell him. Wade disappeared, literally; he teleported. He returned a second later with his shoes as well as Peters in his hands, as well as two pairs of socks. He dropped them on the floor and they both sat down to put them on.

[Five Minutes Later]

"Wade, did you ever actually learn how to tie your shoes?" Peter said loudly, exasperated. He was watching Wade attempt, over and over and over again, to tie his shoes. He was failing miserably.

"You know what Pete, I did actually learn to tie my shoes. I just don't do it that much." He ripped the knot apart and sighed angrily. He reached out his feet toward Peter, giving him his best puppy-dog eyes. "Please?" Peter rolled his eyes but grabbed Wade's foot and tied his shoe, then tied the other one.

"Can we go now?" Wade grinned and nodded, jumped up on his feet, and pulled Peter up and into a hug.

"Thanks for tying my shoes. I actually can, I just wanted you to do it for me." He ran away but the heavy thudding of his boots gave away his direction. Peter groaned and ran after him, using his powers to his advantage and running on the walls. He jumped off the ceiling just before Wade got into the elevator and slammed into the blond. They both crumbled to the ground, moaning in pain. Wade was up after a good minute but Peter was still rubbing his shoulder.

When he launched himself at Wade from the cieling, his shoulder had been the thing to knock Wade down. He felt like it was slightly dislocaed, but disregarded that thought when he realized that he could move his arm perfectly fine. It just hurt like high hell.

"Wade," he called. "I'm too injured to move. You'll need to carry me, my brave, sweet prince," he gaped over-dramatically. Wade rolled his eyes and walked over, lifting Peter off the floor and cradling him in his arms.

"I guess I'm you knight in shining armor then, huh?" he said with a wink. Peter grinned.


"So you're sure you won't tell me anything?" Peter asked. Wade sighed.

"I'm not telling you anything Pete. We're literally almost there anyways." It was true. They were just two floors away now. The elevator stopped on the first floor of labs, as it does. The rest of the labs are only accessible by stairs, so that was what Wade was doing. He had Peter in his arms bridal style and he was carrying him down the stairs.

"Well yeah, but c'mon Wade. I gave you a super great ring and everything like two years ago," Peter reminded him, tapping Wade's left ring finger where the black band rested. Wade smiled.

"I know. I gave you one too, Pete," he reminded, tapping Peter's left hand. The golden band was still in prime condition, as Peter was a careful jewelry wearer. Peter grinned and leaned further into Wade's chest.

"i love you," he sighed happily. Wade grinned and stopped on the stair. He looked down at Peter, who seemed to see the spark in his eyes, as Peter reached up and put his arms around Wade's neck. Wade held his sides and Peter swung his legs around Wade's waist, resting on his hips. He leaned in and their lips met in a sweet, passionate kiss. Wade carefully went down the last two steps and walked backwards across the platform until he felt the cold wall bump his back, stopping him.

Wade's tongue was in the middle of a very fun dance inside Peter's mouth when they heard a slow clap. Peter leaned back slightly, their mouths separating, and they both looked toward the source of the clap. It was Pietro, standing in the doorway. He had a smirk on his face; one that Peter had spent years seeing; one that spelled trouble.

"That looks fun and everything, but the present is right through this door, if you're interested." Peter rolled his eyes at his uncle and hopped off Wade's hips. He walked over to Pietro, dragging Wade by the hand behind him, and poked a finger at his uncle's chest as he walked through the door.

"Don't tell my dad." Pietro raised his hand- a sigh of innocence- and followed the two through the door.

Peter stopped in his tracks five steps into the room. He was in a lab, of course. He had actually been in that exact same lab before, it was just empty the last time he had been there. Now, however, it wasn't empty; it wasn't anywhere near empty.

There were machines lining one side of the room. There were shelves full of materials and chemicals and things he had been wishing for since he was old enough to understand the scientific work his family did. Standing, and sitting, in the middle of the room was his family, just like they were the day before. Tony and Steve were standing between two tables while everyone else was cramped together, sitting on the two tables on either side of them. Pietro stepped up and nudged Peter forward, toward his parents. Peter ran to them and pulled them both into a tight hug, wrapping on arm around each dad and putting his face in their shoulders.

"You know, you've been wishing for this for a long time, Peter," Tony said quietly. "Me and Bruce decided we should probably give you a lab of your own so you'll stop breaking into ours." Peter laughed and wiped his eyes. He hadn't even noticed he was crying.

"I love you guys," he mumbled. "Hey uncle Bruce, get over here!" he called. Bruce walked over and Peter pulled him into the hug. Soon, he was being crushed in the center of the same hug he was in yesterday, the intense feeling of family and love radiating through his mind, through his body, and through his soul.

Peter didn't know how much more of this love he could take, but he figured he could survive the next week.

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