29: College

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A door slammed down the hall and pulled Peter out of his sleep. Logan and Wade were arguing again. Awesome.

It had been nearly three weeks since Logan showed up. Wade and his father had been getting along vaguely well, but whenever one of them brought up mutant-related anything, it turned into an all-our brawl. So far they had broken ten plates, three chairs, ripped up the couch, and almost destroyed the fridge. Logan had been 'killed' maybe three times, but Wade was still going strong with a whopping seven near-deaths. You wouldn't think a father and son who hadn't seen each other in a few years would go straight to physical violence and attempted murder, but these two were... different. For starters, neither of them could die, so it didn't really matter as much. Also, Logan disappeared a few months after Wade turned sixteen.

Just about seven years. Holy shit, that's a long time. Especially with no contact after that. Logan just disappeared. Wade assumed he died on a mission, and got a letter from the mutant school confirming that exact thing. So, maybe it is reasonable for Wade to be pissed to the point of attempting the murder of his indestructible father.

Reasonable or not, Peter was sick of the slamming doors. He had been trying to sleep in, but no, he can't ever have good things, can he? No. And now he was awake and was definitely not going to be falling back asleep. Might as well get something done while he's up, right?

After two yogurt cups, Peter remembered his favorite task. Early mornings mean Peter's in charge of getting the mail! For the last few weeks he had been enthusiastically checking the mail, waiting for his acceptance letter. Maybe today was the day! Sure, he thought every day was going to be the day, but maybe it finally would be the day.

He flipped through the massive stack of mail as fast as his fingers could move. Electric bill, water bill, Bruce, Tony, Tony, Tony, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Tony, magazine, magazine, science pamphlet, Peter Parker.

Peter Parker. He dropped everything else on the coffee table and stared at the envelope.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Holy fuck.

This is it. It's either yes or it's no. And god, he really hopes it yes.

Peter ripped it open carefully and pulled the letter out. He only got through the first sentence before the letter slipped from his hands and onto the floor. It was like his heart stopped; his whole body froze up. Holy fuck. The words passed through his eyes over and over again. Holy fuck!

Dear Peter Parker,
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. HOLY FUCK.

Peter regained control of his body and grabbed the letter off the floor, then bolted to his parents room.

"I DID IT," he shouted, sprinting down the hall. Bedroom doors opened in his wake and somewhere in his mind he felt bad, but he didn't really care. He did it. That's all that matters.

He burst into his parents room, waving the letter. Tony shot it in bed, half-awake and very confused as to what his kid was doing and why he was being so loud. Steve sat up groggily beside him, rubbing his eyes.

"What's up?" Steve yawned.

"I did it!" Peter was practically vibrating with excitement. He handed the letter to his dads and watched them read it. Steve, ever the speed-reader, was the first to look up. He had completely lit up, a giant grin spreading across his face.

"Peter," he smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

Tony took another moment to read, but it was obvious the moment he saw it. He dropped the paper into his lap and grabbed Peter's arm, pulling him down onto the bed and into a tight hug. Steve joined in and it was only when Peter was freed from the grip of his parents did he see that Tony was actually tearing up.

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