7: The One Where Day Four Goes Terribly Wrong

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August 13th

"Wade Wilson I'm going to smack you in the face with an actual knife covered in poison."

"You know, I almost did that to your dad once," Bucky commented.

"Yeah, you almost did, bastard," Steve mumbled. Bucky reached over and flicked him.

"Shut it."

"You started it!" Steve whined, flicking his best friend in the back of the head.

"Actually, he started it," Bucky accused, pointing a finger at Peter. "He said he was gonna hit Wade with a poison knife, and then I just remembered."

"Well anyways, back to my threats," Peter continued, sending a playful glare to his dad and his uncle. "Wade, you need to stop watching Friends."

"Ha. You know what Peter, I would love to do that," Wade said with a smile.


"But I don't want to," he finished with a laugh.

"Wade, I woke up at two in the morning to you clapping every twenty minutes along with the theme song."

"But it's a good theme song," Wade whined. "I never miss the clapping, either!"

"We know!" everyone else in the room shouted.

"Wow guys, thanks," he said sarcastically.

"Peter, get this idiot out of my living room," Tony yelled from his suit. He made a few new modifications, so he was having fun flying around and testing them out. Steve was on the couch below him, eyes flicking up every so often to make sure his husband was doing alright. Steve liked the suits; he thought they were very cool and was happy that Tony loved to work on them so much. He just hated the fact that Tony would fly around whenever he made a slight modification. Ever since Tony had crashed into the wall and sprained his wrist a few months back, Steve was extra watchful.

"I'm not an idiot," Wade mumbled. Peter rolled his eyes and pulled Wade out of the room. Wade followed him and grinned once they got into the hall. He pulled Peter back, spinning the smaller man around and hugging him to his chest. Wade tilted Peter's head up and kissed him. Peter smiled but pushed himself out of Wade's grip.

"No," he said simply, spinning on his heel and continuing down the hall with a smirk on his face. Wade rolled his eyes and followed after his boyfriend.

"Hey Pete, wanna patrol the city or something? I think it'd be fun." Peter shrugged.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get ready and go."

Twenty minutes later, Spider-Man was pulling on his gloves and Deadpool was lacing up his boots. Wade pulled Peter close to him.

"Teleport out of here?" he suggested.

"Central Park," Peter agreed. Wade nodded and then Peter's room was empty, the two men previously occupying now standing in Central Park. Peter stepped away from his boyfriend. They were in public now, and not even as themselves; they were as Deadpool and Spider-Man, two of New York's most famous (and infamous) heroes, or anti-heroes in Wade's case.

"So Spidey, what'd you wanna do?" Wade asked, putting on his 'Deadpool' persona. The persona wasn't really any different than regular Wade; it was him, just slightly more inappropriate, rude, silly, and very third-person.

"This was your idea, man. You pick where we go from here," Peter replied, poking his boyfriend's red-suited chest. Wade shrugged.

"I say we just walk around. The people love you, so we'll get attention, and this is New York, so we're bound to see some crimes."

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