Wrong Apartment

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"Eight and a half hours and I'm finally here." I exhaled, stopping and parking my rental car in front of my Aunt's apartment complex in Manhattan.

How in the world can she afford this place? It's huge. It seemed to be more of a hotel than an apartment.

I unbuckled my seat belt, grabbed my suit case before exiting the vehicle and making my way inside the fancy building. Following my Aunt's text instructions I went up to the fifth level and turned right to get to room 103.

I knocked on the door, and waited for it open. After a few seconds the door became ajar but the woman who stood in front of me was not my Aunt. Her hair was short and blonde, her eyes were a dark brown. And she was dressed in skinny jeans and a white striped shirt.

"I'm sorry I- Does a Gloria live here?"

"No, Gloria lives across the hall at 104. I'm Sarah." The woman smiled, pointing her index finger to the door across from us.

"Oh well thank you. I'm Rose. Rose Travis. Sorry to bother!" I began to walk away from the door, but I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned to face her once more.

"Wait Rose! Are you up for drinks? I mean," She laughed, "I know you don't know me but I could use some company tonight. And who can resist a few free drinks?"

"I-I well.. I came to see my Aunt. So, I better stay here but thanks Sarah." I smiled turning back to walk to Gloria's apartment. I knocked softly.

"Maybe next time then!"

"Next time." I assured the woman. Then the door opened, revealing my Aunt.

"Here's my favorite niece." I snorted.

"Your only niece."

"Ah ya got me there!" The older woman laughed then waved past me, "Hello, Ms.Paulson!" I turned to see Sarah waving back before retreating back into her apartment.

"Paulson?" I questioned, walking into the apartment complex, "Holy Shit. This place is beautiful, Aunt G! How in God's name can you afford it?" Gloria shut the door, laughing.

"For me to know and you to never find out." I hit her playfully on the arm and drop my suitcase on the wooden floor. "And the woman across the way is Sarah Paulson. A big time Actress. I saw that the two of you were getting acquainted."

"I thought I recognized her from somewhere! She seemed familiar." I shrugged, "I guess thanks to ya. Givin' me the wrong apartment number. I looked like an idiot."

"I'm sorry, Darlin'. Must of pushed the 3 instead of 4 button." I laughed hysterically.

"Obviously." Gloria rolled her eyes, grabbed her purse and started for the door. "Where are ya going?"

"Out. Your room is down that hall," She pointed, "And on the right."

"I thought we were going spend time together?"

"Tomorrow, Hun. Tonight I have a date!" Gloria opened the door. Leaving me speechless before exiting the large apartment.

"She didn't even give me a hug." Sighing, I made my way to my room and it was just as extravagant as the rest of the apartment. In the right corner of the room there was a full sized bed,covered in a red duvet and entirely way too many pillows. On the left side of the room there was a wooden vintage styled desk and wardrobe. I looked down to see a wooden floor besides the red carpet underneath my boot clad feet. I stepped to the bed and placed my suitcase on top of it. After unzipping it and picking out an outfit. I changed into a pair of blue jeans and a red flannel.
After slipping my boots back on I walked out of the room and into the living room.

Well, what the hell am I suppose to do now?

Then I remembered Sarah's offer. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and sent a quick text to Gloria: Going for drinks with Sarah. See you later tonight. Good luck on your date.

I opened the apartment door then locked it behind me before shutting it. I patted down my straight blonde hair before knocking on the actress's door. Soon the door was open to me and there Sarah stood in a short black dress, her blonde hair was curled and her makeup was light but beautifully executed.

"I-I.." I laughed pointing behind me, "My aunt.. Left me for some date. I-I.. Wow. Ya look stunnin'" Sarah smiled widely.

"Thank you. So do you! I like your boots." I looked down at my feet as she talked.

Why was I being so shy now?

"You decided to come then?" I nodded, looking up again to see Sarah's brown hues staring right back at me. "Let's go!"

Sarah went back inside and came back out with silver heels and wallet in hand. "Ready?" The other woman slipped her heels on and locked the door behind her.

"Sure." The blonde looped our arms together and we headed out for the night.

To be continued...

Please let me know if y'all like these type of stories. I just wanted to try something new. Hopefully y'all like it. Thanks for reading, lovelies. -k

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