2. Pain

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 © Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 2:  Pain

I don’t know what time it was when I woke up; I didn’t open my eyes to look.  Tríka and I were on our right sides, our bodies curving with the others as we spooned.  My left arm was wrapped around her, my hand curled under her neck as her hand held it.  She most likely had a smile on her face.

I kept my eyes closed as I found the back of her neck with my lips.  I didn’t want for her to wake up yet, so I just let my lips brush against her neck.  She lightly moaned, though.  She’d be awake soon.

What I didn’t know was that I’d tense up.

She had a death grip on my hand, so it took me some time to get out of her grasp.  And rolling over onto my back made my muscles hurt even more.  If my kisses didn’t wake her up, my breathing did.  It was very labored, and I frantically gasped for air as my chest constricted.

“Ryne?” she softly asked as she leaned up a little, rubbing her eyes.  “Are you okay?”


She fully woke up a second later.  “Oh, God!”  Her hands fluttered around on me as she tried to figure out what to do.  I wanted her to take the covers off of me, to alleviate the suffocated feeling I had, and somehow, she knew that that’s what I wanted.  The cool air was relaxing, but it didn’t help much.

Wait.  Hadn’t she just bought me some stuff that would help me relax?  Why wasn’t she using it?  “B-B-B—”

“What?  What, Ryne?”

“Bath,” I managed to whisper.  I knew a hot bath would work, even if I didn’t know how I’d get to the bathroom.

“Hold on; I’ll get Will.”

She gave me a peck on the cheek before she slipped some shorts on so she could get my uncle.  My muscles kept tensing up more and more, constricting as if I had a snake wrapping around me, trying to kill me.  I didn’t think it would stop it hurt so much.  Instead of focusing on relaxing, I focused on trying to breathe.  This was so much more painful than yesterday.  I tried to fight back a scream by biting down on my finger, and I didn’t realize I drew blood until Tríka came back in.

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.  “Hurry, Will!” she called as she went into the bathroom.  The water ran for a minute before Will came in.

He didn’t show any expression as he picked me up.  I felt so helpless, my body in pain as my uncle held me.  Tríka was on the verge of tears when he carried me into the bathroom.  He then asked, “Do you need me to…or can you…?”

I shook my head.  “Just…put me in….” I didn’t need my uncle removing my boxers for me.

The hot water felt so good on my aching muscles.  Leaning my head back, I softly moaned.  My muscles almost instantly relaxed, making it easier to breathe.  When I opened my eyes, I saw that Will and Tríka had left the room.  The tub was almost full, so I turned the water off, ignoring the pain leaning up and over to the faucet brought.  Then, I slipped my boxers off; why not bathe after I was relaxed?

After I flung my drenched boxers across the room, I rested my head against the wall.  My breathing was almost back to normal, but my muscles were still a little tense.  Several minutes later, I smelled cinnamon wafting in through the crack under the door.  Wica was making me some pancakes.  Wonder where Tríka was?

My answer came when the fresh cinnamon smell faded, and the door opened.  I looked over to see that her gray eyes didn’t have a red background, thankfully.  “Hey,” she whispered, closing the door.

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