9. Discovery

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 9:  Discovery

I was going to look in the books about Rage births, which were close to the medical books in the Archives.  It took me only a moment to get to them once I was below the main room.  I skipped the books talking about the process of giving birth, and went to the history books.  There, I found a book that looked very promising.

One chapter in the book was titled “Mysterious Births”.  In the eighteen hundreds, a lot of Rage men went around having sex with human girls.  Only, some of them didn’t seem human.  They came back to the men several months later, telling them that they were pregnant.

Every single one of the women had short black hair, and light gray eyes.  Just like Tríka.

And just like Dolan, the children that were born from the unions had one visible wing, one gray eye, and black hair.  The other eye took on the trait of the father.  The visible wing told what kind of Rage the child was.

When the Leaders found out about these births, they ordered for the women and children to be killed because they thought that the children were mutated, abominations.

So that’s why no one knew about the Shape Shifters; we didn’t know that they existed.  Maybe there were more of them all over the globe, hiding.

Closing the book, I quickly flew to the book of laws.

I flipped to the back to see Tríka’s new law, as well as the one I was going to put into effect; the removing of Derick from the Court.  Then, I flipped through the old pages for a long time until I found the law I was looking for.  The Leaders had declared that any Rage child born with one wing, and its parent without wings, were to be killed.  I couldn’t let that happen.

I flipped to the back of the book again to see that I had already canceled the old rule.  Good.

But, I had some not so bad news for Tríka.  She wasn’t the first ever Forma Mutevoli Rabbia.  She was the first recorded Forma Mutevoli Rabbia.  And Dolan was to be the first recorded child born of a Shape Shifter to live.

Putting the book back in its place, I flew back to the Rose Room so I could tell Tríka.  But, she wasn’t there, and all of the medical supplies were gone.  Where’d they go?  When I walked out to the main room, I saw Protogo and Amaly coming down from the stone home.  I flew up to meet them.

Protogo gave me a grin.  “They’re fine.  She’s supposed to be sleeping, but she’s waiting for you,” he explained.

“Okay.  Thank you.”

I shook his hand, and lifted the stone so I could go to Tríka.

She was sitting up in our bed, cradling Dolan in her arms.  She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.  “He looks just like you,” she said as she kissed his forehead.

The sight of her holding him touched my heart.  I sat beside her, kissed her cheek, and softly rubbed Dolan’s head.  “Yeah, I guess he does a little.”

“He’s got your nose, your jaw, and your eye.”  She softly laughed.  “So, what did you find out?”

“You’re not the first Shape Shifter, but the first recorded one.  But way back when, they didn’t know your type existed.  And Dolan is just fine.  The whole one winged thing is what happens when one of the parents is a Shape Shifter.  And the blue eye is normal, too.”

“I figured he was.  So, we’re not the first?”


“But, no one had ever heard of a Shape Shifter before.”

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