7. Revealed

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 7:  Revealed

It took me a couple minutes to drive from the baby store to my parents’ house.  And I didn’t call ahead to let them know I was stopping by for a visit; I wanted to surprise them.  I felt bad about not talking to them for over a year, but I don’t think they’ve tried to contact me either.  Or my friends.  And I should really tell them about my son, too.

But I could only focus on one thing at a time.  I just hoped that my parents wouldn’t be too mad at me for keeping my son away from them for this long or for not talking to them since my wedding.  And they’d want to know why I haven’t talked to them in so long.

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to tell them what all happened to me.

Brushing those thoughts aside, I pulled into their driveway, and shut the car off.  After waddling to the front door, I rung the bell, and begged that they were home.

Thankfully, Mom answered the door, her expression changing from curiosity, to happiness to shock.  “Oh, Tríka!  Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” she asked as she ushered me inside.

“I’m sorry.  It slipped my mind.  I-I’ve been through a lot.”

“Do you know what it is?” she pondered as she led us to the living room, where my dad was sitting.

I nodded as I sat on the couch.  Daddy looked shocked, but I didn’t say anything about his expression.  “Ryne named him Dolan, so I’m giving him Ryne’s middle name.  Dolan Harvey Gastlyn,” I softly said as I stroked my stomach.

I saw the shock hit my dad hard, so I got up to give him a hug.

My mom sat beside me.  “How’s Ryne handling being a father at barely twenty?”

“Oh, he’s not about to be twenty; he’s about to be thirty.”  I bit my tongue, mentally slapping myself for letting that slip out.

“WHAT?!” they both yelled.

I didn’t know my brother was home until I heard him ask, “What’s going on?”

“Your sister just told us Ryne’s as old as you!”

“Mom, calm down.  It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal?!”

“It’s normal for Rage!”

“Tríka!” Nuke yelled, his eyes wide.

“I’m tired of them not knowing, Nuke.”  I took a deep breath to calm myself before saying, “Ryne was twenty-four when he started at East Glynn High.  His mother made a prophecy when he was born that he’d have sex with a lot of girls before he found me.  He Changed me into a Rage the Christmas after I turned eighteen.  He waited that long to see if I was the girl in the prophecy.  We can’t help that he’s nine years older than me.”

Daddy looked livid while my mom calmed down considerably.  Then, she asked.  “What’s a Rage?”

“Who cares?!  Our son-in-law was dating a minor!” my dad yelled.

“Nuke, can you cool him off?” I asked.

He conjured up some ice, hesitantly at first, and our parents gasped.

“Nuke’s an Ice Rage.  I’m a Shape Shifter.  Ryne’s a Healer.”  I went on to explain the different types, saying who all in his family was what.  I also told them about his horns, why he was really in a coma, everything except my first pregnancy and that he had left me when I told him I was pregnant before we conceived Dolan.  I could tell Nuke wanted me to tell them about that baby, but I didn’t; I had confided in him instead of Ryne, and he took care of everything after I miscarried from severe blood loss.  I also didn’t give my parents time to ask questions.  “Ryne became ruler of the Rage when he was sixteen.  I joined him on the throne when we got married.  Everyone that was there for him was from the Court.  Whatever Dolan is, he’s doing to dismiss whomever and put him on it.”

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