12. Blood

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 12:  Blood

Dolan was proving to be a chip off the block.  He was going through growth spurts like I did, and he was almost four feet when he was three.  When he learned to talk, he didn’t have the patience to learn English.  Though we could understand him perfectly, Tríka’s parents couldn’t, and they grew frustrated with him.  He also preferred to fly than walk, even when we were around humans.  And because of that, we didn’t go out much, much to the dismay of her friends.

When he was approaching three, Tríka decided that she wanted to have another baby.  I thought caring for just Dolan was hard, but with him and a baby, it would be extreme.

But we tried.  We didn’t take it to the same level we did when we tried to get pregnant with Dolan, though.  I enjoyed making love to her, but the marathon stuff wore me out.

But then, there was an opportunity for a break in sight.  She received a call from Mitcha, telling her that her high school reunion was coming up.  I figured she’d go to it, I’d take care of Dolan while she was gone, and she could catch up with her friends; we kept coming up with excuses for them to not see our son just in case he slipped up and let them know we were different.

We were going to bed that night when she asked, “You’re coming with me, right?”

“I figured you’d want to spend some alone time with your friends.”

“I do, but I want you with me.”

“How about I just stay here with Dolan while you have fun.”

She pouted.  “Come on, Ryne.  Please?”

“I’ll be bored out of my mind.”

“You’ll have Dolan to keep you occupied.  Please?”

I sighed, rolling my eyes.  “Fine.”

She smiled and gave me a kiss.  “My parents will be out of town the weekend of the reunion, but they said we could stay there.  Could Wica watch Dolan for us?”

“No.  Her and Will went to the beach.”

“For a whole month?”

“Yeah.  They’re Waters.  They need to be around some sort of large body of water.”


I gave her a kiss as the candles dimmed down.  They were about to extinguish themselves, but when they stayed alight, I knew exactly what was on my wife’s mind.  Smiling, I rolled us over, and allowed for her to do whatever she wanted with me.

The month leading up to Tríka’s high school reunion flew by.  The whole time, we were trying to beat into our son’s head that he had to speak in English, no matter what.  But he was being very stubborn, frustrating us.  We needed to come up with something in case he spoke a lot in Italian, if he even spoke at all.  He was pretty shy around people he didn’t know.

When the time came to go to East Glynn, we packed up our bags, and went to my in-law’s.  We would stay in Tríka’s old room while Dolan would sleep in Nuke’s old room.  We didn’t have time to get comfortable, though.  We just dropped our bags off, and headed to the high school.

When we got there, people had to do a double take.  That was the one thing I had forgotten about.  I still looked sixteen.  And, I had to remember that I was supposed to be twenty-three.

Everyone recognized us, but Tríka’s friend Mitcha was the first to speak to us.  “He’s all grown up now!”  She crouched down to my son, and stroked his cheek.  “Hello, Dolan.”

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