3. Vacation

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 3:  Vacation

It was absolutely WONDERFUL to not have muscle spasms attacking me at any given time anymore.  I was so lively on Thursday that I appeared to be a totally different person than I was from a month ago.  Tríka and her parents made up after the flawless graduation, and we moved back into their house the following Saturday, much to Wica’s pleasure.

The only downside to moving back to the Thompson’s was that they made the three of us get jobs.  Nuke got pissed that they were trying to force him to do something, so he moved in with Angie.  I couldn’t help wondering when they were going to go up to his parents to let them know they were having a kid.  So, to appease Tríka’s parents, I went back to the restaurant to cook, and Tríka found work at a fast-food place.

I got off work before she did, so once a week, I would stop by the jewelry store in the middle of town that wasn’t too far away from where I worked.  The engagement rings there were too small, and the most expensive one didn’t satisfy me.  I knew Tríka wouldn’t care as long as it was me proposing, but I wanted to get her a ring that matched her beauty, that would definitely let people know she was mine.

In the middle of June, I found out that I could order a custom made ring.  The only catch was that I wouldn’t have enough money from working on my own for it until September…and it wouldn’t come in for me to pick it up until after her birthday.  If I used some of my dad’s money, then I could order it in August, and get it the day before her birthday.

It was a small sacrifice I’d have to make.

So, I worked overtime at the restaurant in an attempt to earn a little bit more.  Yes, I could have used the money in the other accounts, but I wanted to save it in case something happened and we needed the money one day.  Tríka knew I was working to get her a birthday present, so she didn’t ask why I took on so many hours.  Instead, I was the one asking questions.  I wanted to get her a Rage animal, but I didn’t know what to get her.  When we were going to bed one night, I asked her what kind of pet she would like to have one day, and she narrowed it down to a cat, a horse, a dog, and a tiger.  Tríka was to have the best, so I narrowed it down to the horse and tiger.  I’d have to check with Elizabeth when I had time to see if she knew of any other Earths that had Tigers; she bred Rage animals herself, but I wasn’t exactly sure which animals she had.

But in the beginning of July, Tríka’s parents announced to us that they were going to go visit her grandparents in Tennessee.  When she asked “who specifically,” they said them, her, and Nuke.  She objected, saying that she wanted me to go with them, and Nuke wanted to bring Angie as well.

After a long, heated discussion, they booked two hotel rooms, and told all of us to get packing.  They objected again when Tríka said something about me driving my bike down there because of my “accident”, and we waited until the last minute to strap our helmets on, and drive off before they could protest.  It was better if we drove my bike; it meant we could get away whenever we wanted to once we were there.

We figured that they’d catch up with us, so we went ahead and got on the interstate.  We slowed down some after that; there wasn’t any reason why they should worry about us getting into a wreck, and if they caught up with us, they’d see that we were fine.  Plus, I had no idea where to go, and I needed to follow them since I couldn’t hear my Queen if she were to give me directions.

Finally, after twenty minutes, Nuke’s car passed us.  We stayed in between his car and her parents the entire time.  It was going to be a long trip, and I hoped that we’d stop every now and then so we could stretch our legs.

We had just crossed the Ohio-Kentucky border when I noticed orange flying beside me.  Looking out the corner of my eye, I saw that it was a Law, and I hoped to God that they had disguised themselves.  He looked worried, and I knew that he wanted to talk to me; that was the only reason why he was following us.  So, I sped up past Nuke, got off at the nearest exit, and pulled into a gas station; I needed to refuel anyways.

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