11. Family

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 © Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 11:  Family

Once we returned to the States, we both called our families to let them know we made it home okay.  Wica didn’t ask me much about our trip, while Tríka spent hours talking to her mother.  I suggested going to visit them, but she said she was too tired to travel again today.  And even though we were exhausted from flying, Dolan was a like a powerhouse, with too much energy to burn.

So, I decided to take him down with me to the Archives.  I needed to do some research as to why a child has horns, yet his wings haven’t changed.  I mean, he’s always around me or his mother, so his wings shouldn’t be changing colors.  I knew it would take a while, and hopefully he’d behave while I was reading.

After I had gone through several books, I finally found one that had what I was looking for.  Horns weren’t very common, but if someone ever had horns, the gene would pass on to their children.  Well, that was a huge relief.  And I was guessing that since he was half Shifter, he’d only have one horn.

I went to go tell my wife, but found that she was still sound asleep.  I decided to leave her alone, and took Dolan into the living room to watch TV and play with him.

After she woke up, I told her my news.  She seemed a little dismayed at the fact his horn wouldn’t go away, but it looked like she was accepting it.

Her friends also continuously called, wanting to see our child, too.  She really didn’t want to show him to them until he was older, but I convinced her that he knew how to properly hide his wings, that we could take the chance to let her friends meet him.

So, she called them up one day to make plans on where to meet.  I offered that we go to the mountain home, but she countered saying that we needed to clean it because we haven’t stayed there in so long.  She eventually agreed to meet with them in the park in East Glynn.

She was so nervous as we drove West.  Nothing I told her calmed her.  I had faith in my son, but I just couldn’t convince his mother that he was going to be a good boy.

After we arrived in East Glynn, it was time for Dolan to eat.  So we sat in the car in the park parking lot while Tríka fed him.  When he finished, we went in search of her friends.

I didn’t spot them, and I don’t think my wife did either because she didn’t say anything.  So, I led her over to a park bench so we could wait for the women.  And too keep our son entertained, I held him on my lap while Tríka made faces and tickled him.

A couple minutes later, I heard a woman squeal.  Looking towards the sound, we saw one of her friends smiling very widely as she approached us.  It was the one that had been the Maid of Honor at the wedding; Mitcha.

Tríka stood when Mitcha got to us, and gave her a hug.  But then she immediately turned her attention to me.  Well, not really to me, to Dolan.

She smiled even wider as she leaned in close to look at my son.  “Oh, he is absolutely adorable!  Already sitting up on his own.  I wish I could have seen him before you went to Italy, though.”

“I know you did, but we were just too busy, Mitcha,” my wife explained as she took Dolan from me.

“Busy with what exactly?”

Thankfully, Tríka took her in stride, explaining, “We’ve visited Ryne’s family some, went back to Tennessee to visit my family, and we’ve gone to Italy several times.”

She gave her a confused look.  “I thought your aunt lived here?” she asked, looking at me.

“She does.  But right before we got married, I found out about my father’s family.”

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