1. Healing

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 1:  Healing

I spent a week recovering some strength, only moving to go to the bathroom.  Tríka would help me walk to and from the bathroom, had rarely left my side really, and she suffered for it at school.  We didn’t want people to know about what really happened, so she told her friends and parents that I wrecked my racing bike and had slipped into a coma due to blood loss.  It was partially the truth.  I will never forget the look in her eyes when I showed up after school to ride home with her when I was able to walk further than the bathroom and the kitchen at Wica’s house.  She wouldn’t let go of me when she hugged me with all her strength, and I wanted to stay in her embrace forever.

It truly is amazing how people treat you differently after you almost died.  The students of East Glynn High were happy to see that I was well, and they didn’t bother Tríka about leaving me anymore.  All was happy.

That is, until Tríka told her parents she was moving in with me at the mountains after graduation.

“No!  Absolutely not!” both of her parents yelled.

“Why?  I’m eighteen.  I should get to do whatever I want.”

“We were going to surprise you, but we applied you to Ohio State, and we’ve gotten you a full ride for four years,” her mother explained.

“But, what if I don’t want to go to college?”

“That was all you talked about a year ago,” her dad said.

“Yeah.  That was a year ago.  Things change.”

They both shot me a look.  I cringed a little.

“Yes, we know, Tríka.  But we would like for you to go to college.  It wasn’t easy for us to get you a full ride.”

She sighed.  “Why’d you kick Nuke out then?”

“We were tired of him bringing all those girls home every night.  You and Ryne don’t do any of that, so you’re staying here,” her mother commanded.

Oh, if only they knew.

Tríka sighed from frustration, and went up to her room with me in tow.  I was still weak, even though it’s been almost a month, so I crashed on her bed when we got there.  She sat beside me with her arms crossed in front of her chest, pouting.  I softly stroked her back as she said, “It’s not fair.”

“They’re just trying to keep you safe from me, though it’s already too late.”

“But I’m eighteen.  They can’t control me like that.  If only they were Rage; I’d have them be my personal servants.  How do you create a Rage again?”

“No, Tríka.  You’re not going to Change your parents just so you can move in with me.  Just be patient.”  I closed my eyes, and removed my hand from her back.  My breathing became uneven as all of my muscles clenched, and she whipped her head around to face me.

“Ryne?  Are you okay?”  Her hand was on my cheek in a matter of seconds.

“Yeah.  I’ll be fine when it passes.”  Every so often, my muscles would tense up, and my lungs would constrict, making it hard to breathe.  That’s what happened when my body tried to Heal itself; I was still recovering from using my powers to the point of almost dying, and I couldn’t conjure up an orb.  If I just relaxed when the spasms hit, everything would go back to normal after a few minutes.  But, Tríka naturally worried about me.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.  See?  All fine.”  My muscles relaxed even more when she touched my arm.  “I just need peace and quiet while I’m recovering.”

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