13. Truth

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 13:  Truth

I angrily flew off, not sure of where I was going.  My daughter had a chance to live, I could have Healed her several times a day—in moderation to prevent me from going through those muscle spasms again—to make sure she was still developing properly so she could take over after me.  But no.  Wica killed her.

And what was with that smile anyways?  Did she want for her great-niece to die?  Did she do it on purpose, because I had killed her Andrew?

I was so infuriated that I didn’t notice the Chamber coming into my view until I almost ran into it.  As soon as I landed, I punched the wall, drawing some blood and breaking my hand.  I was so used to this and I didn’t feel the pain anymore.

When I got to my throne, I slowly punched a hole through the wall.  I couldn’t think of anything other than how mad I was at my aunt.

After my blood covered the wall and my hands, I turned around, sunk to the floor, and let my tears fall.  Everyone knew that I had wanted to have a girl Tutto, even Wica, and she took it away from me.  She knew how badly Tríka wanted to have a second child, and she took her away from her queen.

I needed to think of a suitable punishment for her.  I was very strongly considering death for her sentence.

Sometime later I looked up towards the ceiling, trying to get my tears to go away when I saw Dolan standing several feet away from me.  I hadn’t noticed him following me.  Did he see me hitting the wall?  He had to be traumatized by what all had happened.  He saw everything….

“Hey, Dolan,” I said, my voice cracking as I Healed my hands and wiped away my tears.

“What happen?” he asked.  I was surprised he spoke in English.

“You were going to have a baby sister, but your aunt Wica killed her.”

He slowly came over to me, and sat down next to me.  “Why?”

“I don’t know.”

At least I still had him.  I wrapped my arms and held him tight to me.  Though it would have been nice to have another child, I was glad Dolan was okay.  I was still pissed, but I didn’t show it in front of him.  I wouldn’t bring up what he had seen unless he did first; I didn’t want to have to explain anything to him unless he brought it up on his own.

After a while, I noticed a figure in the doorway.  I tried to smile at her, but it was hard.  I was glad she was Healed enough to fly up here, but I knew it was hard for her.

As soon as Dolan saw his mother, he got up and ran over to her.  “Are you okay?” I asked her as I stood.

She nodded.  “I will be.  Come on, Dolan.  Let’s get back home.”  She knew that I wanted to be alone for a bit.  But before they could turn around, I took her into my arms, and held her tight.  She needed to be comforted, too.  After I gave her a kiss, I knelt down to hug Dolan and give him a kiss on the top of his head.

But as they closed the door, I thought about how I should be with her right now.  She was hurting more than me even though we both lost a child.  I was about to go after her when the door opened again.

Blood boiled in my veins.  “How dare you.”

She smiled, making me sick.  “See it as me getting even.”

“Andrew attacked us first.  I had to do something to stop him, and told everyone that if they tried to hurt Tríka that I’d kill them.  It wasn’t my fault he chose to ignore me.  You killed a defenseless baby, could have killed Tríka, too.  And you don’t even feel the least bit sorry,” I nearly growled at her.  I was beyond pissed that she was here.

“It’s hard to feel anything when it’s not your first kill.”


She smiled again.  “I was so glad that you thought to use your powers to attempt to Heal your parents so that you wouldn’t see what I did to them.  I thought that if your mother was gone, her prophecy would be null.  She knew that you were going to kill Andrew, and she wasn’t going to do anything to stop it.  She didn’t even act like she cared that her nephew, my son, was going to be killed.  She didn’t care about anything but you, her precious golden child.”

Without thinking, I launched myself at her, punching her in the face.  I didn’t care that she was my aunt.  She killed her own sister, her own niece, almost my wife, and my dad.  I needed to kill her.  So while she was down, I grabbed her by her shirt, yanked her up to face me, and punched her with all my strength again.

She flew across the floor, blood pouring from her bruised and broken nose.  But she just laughed, pissing me off even more.  Using my wings to aide me, I ran at her again.  Only this time, I wrapped my hands around her as tight as I could, hoping to push her last breath out of her throat.

But, I didn’t take into account that she could still use her water abilities.  She first tried to drench me in it, but I held on tight to her, not wanting for her to get away.

When attempting to loosen my grip didn’t work, she slowly filled the room with the liquid.  She was going to try to drown me.

I was a good swimmer, but her legs would turn into a fin, and she’d be able to out-swim me.  I couldn’t let that happen.  She might get away, and right now, it was do or die.

As I continued to attempt to strangle my aunt, I desperately wished that I had my horns back.  I’d give almost anything to have them.  They could have provided a quick death for her, and I wouldn’t be soaking wet.

Minutes passed.  The water was up to my ankles.  My hands were slippery.  I kept trying to keep my hold tight on her, but the water was making it difficult.  But I knew if I let go, she’d get away.  I couldn’t let that happen.

So I tightened my grip, using all of my might to strangle her.  Wica’s mouth hung open as she tried to struggle for air.  Her eyes were wide, and I could see fear in them.  I didn’t care.  She had taken so much from me, and now it was time for payback.  I would finally be avenging my parents’ deaths.

Then, the water suddenly stopped, and slowly drained out.  Wica wasn’t moving, wasn’t breathing.  Her skin turned blue.

I did it.

She was gone.

I let go of my former aunt, breathing hard.  The adrenaline was still pumping through my veins, but I was glad I had done this.  She wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore.  Will would be crushed that I had killed his son and his wife, but I think he’d understand after he learned the truth about her.  But I couldn’t help wondering as I stared down at the corpse if he had anything to do with the murder of my parents.  Wica had done a good job of hiding it from me for all of these years, it wasn’t hard to believe that he could, too.  I’d have to find out later.

I was about to go find a change of clothes when the door opened.  “Wait right here, Dolan,” I heard my wife say from outside.  “Ryne, I don’t know where Wica—oh!  What happened?”

As soon as she was close to me, I took her into my arms.  “She did it, Tríka.  She killed my mom and dad,” I whispered into her hair.

She wrapped her arms tightly around me, comforting me.  “I’m so sorry, Ryne.  But, she’s gone now…right?”

I nodded.

The door opened yet again, and we were about to yell for Dolan to not come in when we saw that it was Danny.  It made sense for him to be here.  After all, two Rage had died today, and he needed to take their souls to il cielo.

But as soon as he came to us, he collapsed, and had a little fit as he gasped for air.  We had no idea what to do.  I was too stunned to try to Heal him….

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