8. Dolan

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 8:  Dolan

Later that night, after everyone had left, Tríka and I finished setting up Dolan’s room.  Tríka had picked out a teddy bear theme for our son, and I desperately wanted to change it because I thought he should have something more fitting for a boy’s room.  After some slight arguing, we agreed that we would change the décor after his first birthday.  We then talked to him while I rubbed the cocoa butter onto her stomach.  He kicked my hands every time I spoke.

Tríka’s food cravings kicked in that night, too.  I woke up in the middle of the night to find a more comfortable sleeping position to find that I was alone.  After checking the bathroom for her, I ventured to the kitchen.  She was eating whipped cream, right from the can.

So, along with the nightly cocoa butter massages, she ate whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.  I just let her be when she would eat random things.  But she worried me when she stopped gaining weight.  She wasn’t eating healthy foods, which cut off Dolan’s nutrition.  I got on to her about it, and Healed her whenever I could to help with my son’s growth.

For her birthday, I ordered a tiara, made of real diamonds of course.  We also stopped by her parents so they could spend time with her.  Nuke, Angie, and Alice dropped in as we were explaining to the humans that Rage didn’t need as much food or sleep as them.  Tríka’s mother was worried for her grandson, but we told her all the things she had eaten today so she wouldn’t be as concerned.

“I know I need to eat, Mom.  The last time I didn’t eat was when we were trying to conceive Dolan,” Tríka said to her mother.

I, as well as her father and Nuke, weren’t very comfortable talking about this.

“How do we get to your home so we can attend the baby shower?” her mother asked after a moment.

“Oh, it won’t be at the mountains.”

“Then where will it be?”

“At the Chamber.”

“Where is that?”

“The sky.  It’s really beautiful, and it’s where the Leaders are supposed to live.  We haven’t been to the mountains in at least a year,” she explained.

“Well, how are we going to get there?”

Tríka looked over at me, asking, “Are they allowed?”

“They used to not be.  I could get Elizabeth to lend another horse, and they could ride it and Moonlight up there.  Speaking of Moonlight, you haven’t visited her in a while.”

“Who’s Moonlight?” her father asked.

“When I proposed, I also gave her the winged horse Moonlight Night.”

“There’s a reason why I haven’t visited her,” Tríka almost whispered.


“She was shot by a hunter when we visited your family before we tried to have Dolan.”

I was confused as to what she was talking about.  But I’ll have to ask her about what happened later.  “Oh.  D-Do you want me to get you another pet?”

She shook her head.  “No.  It’ll be too hard taking care of it and Dolan.”

“Okay.  So, I’ll ask her to lend two horses.”

“W-Winged horses?” her mother asked.

“Yes.  A lot of animals are Rage animals.  The only difference between them and regular animals are wings.  As for birds and insects, they’re already of the Rage.”

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