5. Trauma

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 5:  Trauma

I could feel the smile on my face before I fully woke up.  I was so excited about this baby, about starting a family with Ryne.  And hopefully this wouldn’t be the only one.

I wonder what he thought about it.

When I opened my eyes, I didn’t see him.  His clothes weren’t on the floor, even after all my prompting to get him to use the clothes hamper ever since we moved in here.  I didn’t want to get too worried; maybe I finally got through his thick skull.

All of his stuff was still in the bathroom, his clothes in the dresser and closet untouched.  I didn’t find his wallet, so he must have it.  I tried not to think about what I was dreading.

He wasn’t in the kitchen making breakfast, on the couch watching TV, or in the guitar room.  He wasn’t in the house.  He didn’t leave a note.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched my virtually flat stomach.  I had hoped that he wasn’t like his father.  But the saying was unfortunately true; like father, like son.

I didn’t want to call my parents.  They’d tell me that we made a bad decision, getting married as early as we did.  I didn’t want to imagine the things they’d say to me about Ryne leaving.

I couldn’t call my friends, either.  They wouldn’t understand, and I’d have to be very careful to not tell them about the Rage.  They’d also most likely tell me that we never should have gotten married.  I didn’t want to think about it right now.

But Wica would want to know about her nephew’s disappearance.  She’d understand because I was in her sister’s position.  My tears unloaded as I dialed her home number.

But it just kept ringing.  Duh; it was eight in the morning.  They’d probably be asleep.  I was about to hang up and call again at a decent time when I heard Will say, “Hello?”

I swallowed around the lump in my throat.  “Will, it’s Tríka.  I-Is Wica there?”

“N-No.  Is something wrong?”

I really wanted to talk to Wica, but her husband was close enough.  I tried to keep my sobs at bay as I said, “Yes.  I-I found out last night that…I’m pregnant, and I told R-Ryne.  W-When I woke up this morning…h-he was gone.”

He was quiet for a moment.  “You have no idea where he is?”


“Have you tried calling him?”

“His phone’s on the nightstand.  Everything’s here except his wallet and the clothes he wore last night.”

He was quiet again.  “Have you tried summoning him?”

“No, but would he even come if I did?”

“He could ignore it.”  I heard him sigh.  “He’ll come around, Tríka.  Just give him time.”

I couldn’t help groaning.  The tears finally fell, but I quickly wiped them away.  “But I don’t want him to be gone as long as Dramie was.”

He didn’t say anything about that.  “I’ll tell Wica what happened.  Everything will be fine, Tríka.  Just be patient.”

I hung up then, and bawled my eyes out.  Why did he leave?  Why didn’t he tell me in some way?  Why did he leave me in the middle of the night?  Didn’t he love me?  Why did he have to be like Dramie?  How was I going to do this by myself?

I felt sick to my stomach.  This was another thing to add to my list of problems:  morning sickness.

Hopefully I wouldn’t lose this baby.

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