14. Spirits

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 14:  Spirits

I had no idea what was going on.  I had never seen Danny or any other Death go into a seizure before.  Tríka held tightly onto my hand.  I just remembered the pain she just went through, and Healed her.  She still had a death grip on me.

Suddenly, two blue beams of light shot out from Danny’s body.  They looked like Rage, their wings unfurling from their backs.  One was taller than the other, the shorter one more feminine than the taller one.  After they solidified, I realized who they were.

“M-Mom?  Dad?”

Tríka looked at me, then back at them.  I was so sure it was them.  I didn’t bother keeping my tears back again.

“Hello, Ryne,” my mother said.  It had been so long since I heard her voice.  “I’m glad to see that you’ve found Tríka.  And, we’ve been watching you.”

I wiped away at the tears as I felt my face heat up slightly.  “I hope you haven’t twenty-four seven.”

“Of course not, son,” my dad said.

“But we’ve watched you a lot.  I’m a little disappointed in you, Ryne.”  She still had that same tone to her voice when she was aggravated.

“I didn’t mean to kill Andrew or Wica.”

“I’m not talking about that.  I knew that was going to happen.  My first prophecy was about you killing Andrew, and that’s why Wica killed us.”

“Did you know that Wica would poison Tríka’s tea, killing the baby?”  that was the only thing I could think of that happened.  How long as she planned this?  I guess I’ll never know now that she’s dead.

“Not the first part.”

“What?” Tríka and I asked.

“Wica was supposed to kill your first child a couple months after you changed Tríka.”

“But she’s only been pregnant three times….” I glanced at Tríka to see that she was glaring at my mother.

“I didn’t tell him, Ryna,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Tríka….” She was pregnant four times?

“I know that.  But now’s the perfect time to let it out,” my mother said, looking a little disappointed.

Tríka sighed, looking away from us as she sniffled.  “I was three months pregnant that last time I tried to kill myself.”

What?!  “Why…?”

“Your horns petrified me, Ryne, and I didn’t want to bring a child into this world with you like that.”  She looked up at me and was full out crying now.  “But you woke up and Healed me.”

“You should have died then, Ryne,” my father said.  “Dolan shouldn’t exist.”

“What?”  I was getting a little confused now.  They were just throwing curveballs at me left and right.

“You were supposed to die, and Tríka was to have the baby, give it to Wica so her parents wouldn’t know, and kill herself.  Then, Wica would kill the infant as payback for killing Andrew.  But instead, you’re alive, married, and have Dolan,” my mother explained with a smile.

“Wait.  Back up for a minute.  You were pregnant,” I said to Tríka.  “What happened to it?”

“When you were passed out for those two days, I miscarried.  No one knew about it except for Nuke, and I didn’t think anyone else should have known about it.  That’s why I was so upset with the miscarriage before Dolan.  I was ready for a baby then, but I lost it, and I thought not being able to have children was some sort of punishment for trying to end my life….”

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