Chapter 23 part 2

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Lauren's POV

"Camila what the hell are you doing here?" I sighed as I walked to the door Louis opened for me.

"I came here to talk." Camila stated looking at the ground.

"Camila I can't talk to you I'm still pissed off at you. I can't even stand being around you that's why I moved out for a bit." I explained to her looking at the doorknob my hand was occupying.

"But Lern I wanna tell you I'm srey." Camila slured.

"Are you fucking drunk?" I half yelled in shock.

Camila looked up and her eyes were a bit bloodshot and her pupils looked constructed.

"Don't yell at me! I'm sick of you yelling Lern!!" Camila screamed.

"Did you drive here?" I asked with a calmer tone

"It's possible." She slurred and I looked at her with concern.

I didn't know what to do. I definitely don't want her here because I don't want to be beat her and Louis probably doesn't want her here either. Plus she wouldn't have anywhere to sleep because I'm taking up the last bedroom.

"One sec. Don't go anywhere." I said to Camila before I turned around and walked to Louis and signaled him to come with me to the kitchen.

"I might need to go home and drop her off. I'll be back in 30 minutes." I explained.

"Nah it's okay she can stay here with-"

"She's drunk" I said emotionless and he gave me a shocked look then a nod.

"I'll keep your stuff here and leave the door unlocked for you then." He said before I hugged him.

"Thank you." I said before I grabbed my keys out the bowl.

"Good luck!" He yelled as I walked to the door.

"Why did he say good luck?" Camila asked as I walked past her to the car.

"Get in the car." I told her and she followed me.

As she hopped in the passenger seat I looked at my phone to check the time.

As she put her seatbelt on I turned the car on and started reversing. The car ride wasn't enjoyable because all I could smell was Camila's alcohol breath.

"Don't touch the radio." I said sternly as she tried reaching for it.

"Why are you being rude? All I wanted to do was talk." She explained and turned to look at the road in front of us. I ignored her and kept driving to her place.


"We are here." I said as I parked the car and looked at her.

"I don't think I can walk up stairs." She said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'll help you." I said annoyed.

As we reached her room 10 minutes later she sat on her bed and started to talk.

"Lauren I'm sorry. I really love you. Why don't you believe it?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Camila you're drunk. You don't know how you feel." I said before she interrupted me.

"I wasn't drunk when I fell for you! I wasn't drunk when I told you earlier! I just want you back! I hate it without you. I miss your presence. I miss your voice." She started yelling and all I could think about was leaving.

"Camila I'll talk about this later." I tried to get out but she refused.

"No. If you leave you know I'll come back to wherever you are drunk or not." She stated and I stayed. Maybe she'll forget this tomorrow because she's drunk. I'll leave when she sleeps. She's about to pass out anyway.

"Why are you even drunk?" I asked as it was the first concern right now.

"Because I read that it helps you get over heartbreak."

Fuck. Heart break? I broke her heart? Why couldn't she just run to Levi?

"I tried calling you, texting you, everything that failed I took another shot."

"Camila you took about 200 shots tonight?! Are you fucking insane!" I started to feel myself boil up getting angry at the girl in front of me.

"I thought it would help!" She screamed.

"Getting drunk doesn't solve anything Camila! Especially when you put yourself at risk and getting in a car and driving! Are you serious!!" I screamed back and I could see her eyes water up.

"I DID THIS BECAUSE I WANT YOU! I WANT TO FUCKING BE WITH YOU LAUREN! I LOVE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU PUSH ME AWAY!" She had tears falling from her face and my heart broke. I don't know if she loves me or not, but I felt bad.

"Camila," I sighed and put my hand on her knee and rubbed it with my thumb to comfort her, "I'm sorry for not answering your calls and texts. I just am hurt by what you did and I'm sorry I really am." I started to cry because I knew I was at fault.

She looked up at me and my chest tightened. Her crying is the most heartbreaking think to hear, but looking at her with tears flowing down made my heart shatter. She looked into my eyes as I did the same but I noticed her glance at my lips and that's when I said something.

"Camila I-" I tried to get the rest of my sentence out but she beat me to it by pressing her lips on mine.

Her lips were soft and even though I could taste the alcohol on her lips, I still didn't want this to end. But it had to.

"Camila, I can't." I said and I pulled away. She looked at me hurt.

"Why?" She asked clearly upset.

"I need to forgive you before anything can happen."

"Then forgive me."

"It's not that easy, Camila. You hurt me. It'll take me a bit." I explained as I got up. "I'll check on your tomorrow. Good night." I said before shutting the light off and walking down the stairs.

I waited in my car for a while so that I know she wasn't going to come back out. After 10 minutes I left to go to Louis' place.

"Maybe I love her." I whispered and out the radio on for the rest of the drive.

A/N - what did you think? Oh and should I add some more Larry?? Some of you guys like it and I'm wondering about the rest of you. Anywayyyyyyyyy thank you for supporting me and stuff. I love you guys heaps. :) thank you for liking and commenting and sharing :)

- Bell xx

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