Chapter 10

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"Thank you. Daniel, please rise to hear the charge." The judge said and Daniel did as he was commanded to do.

"Daniel, you are charged that on, or about the eighth day of June, of this year, you did unlawfully cause the death of Clara Jauregui and thereby commit three murders in the first degree. How do you plead?" The clerk said.

I thought to myself for a moment as I heard my moms name come out of the clerks mouth. Why wasn't the other four boys there? Maybe they committed a different crime than Daniel.

"Not Guilty." Daniel stated blankly

Not guilty?? My mind was fuming, but I knew that if he was to plea with something else it was easier to get a shorter sentence.

"Thank you." The Judge waved.

Everyone sat down. Louis I still holding my hand for comfort. I looked over at Camila and she had a blank expression on her face. Shawn was holding her hand. I was furious but more focused on the trial that was in place in front of me.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I shall begin with some general comments on our roles during this trial. Throughout these proceedings shall act as judges of the facts and I the judge of the law. Although I may comment on the evidence, as judge of the facts, you are the exclusive judges of the evidence. By the same token, when I tell you what the law is, it is my view of the law that must prevail. There are two basic principles that are fundamental to your part as jurors. They are the requirement for proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the presumption of innocence. The requirement for proof beyond a reasonable doubt means that no person accused of an offence can be found guilty unless the state proves each and every part or element of that offence beyond a reasonable doubt. Similarly, our system of law requires that an accused person be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Daniel Graham  has no obligation to prove that he is not guilty or to explain the evidence offered by the state. The law presumes he is innocent until you decide otherwise. Before calling the state counsel to give their opening statement, I will tell you something of the offence with which Daniel Graham has been charged. The state has charged Daniel Graham with one count of second-degree murder. Before you can legally return a guilty verdict on the homicide, the statemust prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:  First, the identity of Daniel Graham the offender. Second, the time and place of the offence. Third, that Daniel Graham killed Clara Jauregui. Fourth, that Daniel Graham killed her wrongfully and Fifth, that Daniel Graham intended to kill. I now call upon the state to proceed with their case." The judge addressed.

We stood and listened to Officer Kordei.

"My Lady, we intend to prove that Daniel Graham killed Clara jauregui and that he did so knowing that it was illegal contrary to s. 235(1) of Criminal Code of United States of America therefore committing first degree murder. To prove our case we intend to call the following witnesses: Louis Alexander, Ryan Banks, Daniel Graham and Chloe Turnbull." Said Officer Kordei. I was confused why Louis was a witness. I turned to look at him with confusion.

"Only for emergencies." Louis whispered. I nodded in understanding

"We now wish to call our first witness, Ryan Banks." The judge decided.

"Do you swear that the evidence you shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?" The clerk quoted.

"Yes" Ryan replied.

"State your name and address for the court, please."

"I am Ryan Banks, and I was present and a witness when the shooting occurred." Ryan stood to give his evidence.

"Ryan please tell the court what happened on the morning of June 8th." The clerk said.

"Ah, Clara was at the desk marking the attendance that teachers sent in. You know. Ah, I went down, I was up there with her. Supervising. I went down to get us both a drink. Each. Coffee. Not an actual drink. And, ah, when I came up I heard gun shots go off. They were close I turned and hid behind the door of the roon u just came in and didn't say or make any sound. Then I saw a pool of blood coming into the room because we had a little drain in the nurses room and I called 911 after I knew the coast was clear." Ryan confessed.

I looked down at the ground not wanting to hear what happened, but I needed to. I needed to know.

"My Lady we would like to present one of the 8 bullets that entered into Mrs. Jauregui's body" Officer Kordei chimed in.

The judge nodded in approval as the clerk shows the bullet to the judge then places it on the stand.

"Thank you. No further questions my Lady." Officer Kordei said as she sat back in her seat focusing her attention to the binder of more evidence. I was choked on my own words. One of those bullets went into my mothers body and possibly killed her. I felt Louis' hand squeeze mine in comfort.


A/N - I hope this was good. Ugh I have more to update today :)

- Bell

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