Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the shooting. I haven't stepped out of my temporary room in Louis' home. Louis is my best friend. He told me that he was able to take care of me. He owned his own apartment a couple of blocks down from me. He moved out of home only last year. He saved up to get an apartment with his dog. Saying that he had 8 siblings and he had a 5 bedroom and 2 bathroom home, he was cramped and he was only excessive space in his eyes. He was the oldest. Janet, Silver, Dominic, Trevor, Kaye, Caitlin, Chelsea, Hannah and Louis Was all of them in order from youngest to oldest. Oh and Sparky Louis' dog. He was a German Shepherd x Husky mix. He was a very obedient dog. Louis trained him well.

"Lauren?" Louis knocks on the door to get my attention. I was scrolling through Tumblr in my bed. "Lauren it's unhealthy to isolate yourself in a room with barely any light." He was right. I never turned the light on. I always had the blinds shut it the curtains closed. Occasionally both.

"Dinner is ready by the way. I grabbed Maccy D's. I got you a Big Mac and an Oreo McFlurry. I got you large fries but I don't know if you want them so I got them anyway. It's ok if you don't eat them but if you want to eat I'd rather you eat now so the fries don't get cold. Plus eating microwaved McDonalds fries taste like cardboard." He giggles to himself before walking off.

"Microwaved fries are shit" I mumbled to myself. I got up and put slippers on and walked towards the stairs that led to the living room and kitchen. My footsteps are heavy but weak. I reached to the last step and was greeted by Sparkly with a pair of Louis' socks between his mouth, wagging his tail and looking at me like I had something exciting about me. I reached down to pet him but he was in a hyper, playful mood and wanted to play tug of war with Louis' soccer socks that were in his mouth.

"Not now Sparks. I will after I eat." I lied. We all knew I was going to go up to my room and isolate myself again.

"You look like you need vitamins girl. You look like a vampire that same back from the dead" Louis smirks in a playful tone.

"Don't make me come bite you so you look like one too." I fire back and he playfully replies,

"I'm good. I'm team Jacob."

I roll my eyes and grab the half-assed made burger from the box and put it on the plate in front of me. I dumped a small amount of fries next to the burger and bring it to the couch in the living room.

"Officer Kordei came today, she needs to go back to the house with you to collect items that you want for the funeral." Louis tells me with I sad tone. I didn't say anything but nod. "She's coming tomorrow at 9am. I told her that you can't hit direct sunlight or you'll vanish." He never fails to lighten up the mood. He looks at me with a smirk and I feel the corners of my mouth spring up. I hide it with a burger shoved in my mouth.

"Also Sinu Cabello called," I looked at him arching my eyebrow, "She needs to talk to you so I have her your number." I nodded taking the new information in. I sit the in utter confusion. I finish the last of my burger. I walked into the kitchen and washed my plate. As I put it away I hear Louis say "In the freezer." I opened the freezer to find my Oreo desert.

"Thank you Louie." I tell him.

"I'm not five you don't need to call me that." I head my way upstairs and turned on the light. I sat there and opened my diary and put in today's date

I didn't do much today. I just sat in my room. I know it's hard but I can't find the motivation to go out and do anything. I miss you, Mom. This isn't easy. I don't know what to do or anything. I want you back. Why did you leave? Why now? Why after my final year in high school? You aren't going to see me graduate. I hate you, God! You picked the wrong timing. This is fucking stupid. This shouldn't happen to me.

- Lauren Jauregui

I signed my name and put the diary into the drawer. I fell into a deep sleep so that I couldn't dream.


I wake up the next morning with Sparky licking my tear stained cheeks. I wasn't aware that I fell asleep crying or I that I was crying in my sleep. I looked at my clock. 8:30. I groan to myself realizing the time and how Officer Kordei was picking me up. I didn't like it one bit. I didn't want to be brought home because when I do, I'm positive to have a breakdown when I look at all the family photos of her and I.

I go into the bathroom and strip down for a shower. Once my foot stepped out of my underwear I looked in the mirror at my naked self.

"Why are you doing this, Lolo." I mumble to myself. I became so skinny and pale due to the lack of eating and sunlight. I sigh in disappointment and step into the shower with the warm water already running.


I get out the shower and wrap myself into a towel and stepped out into the bedroom. I shut the door and looked up to see Sparky wagging his tail on my bed excitedly with a famous pair of Louis' old soccer socks in his mouth. I glanced at the clock. It read 8.55. I got dressed into a white tank top and a denim jacket with black skinny jeans and black vans. As I slip on the last shoe I hear a knock on the door.

"Lauren, Officer Kordei is here." Louis tells me the not so good information.

"Great." I mumble to myself with disapproval. I didn't want to do this.

"Okay thank you. I'll be down in a second." I yell in my indoor voice so that he could hear my from the stairs he was probably climbing down.

"Lauren I'm right here." He tells me through the door.

"I thought you were downstairs." I reply.

I walk down the stairs and think to myself "this is going to be a shit day"

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