Chapter 9

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I heard loud knocking on my door before someone bursts in. "LAUREN, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I heard the voice of my familiar friend say. "Louis, why do you want I was sleeping." I replied. "Lauren, this is serious you need to wake up." He repeated. "Fine, just let me get dressed." I said throwing my blanket on the other side of the bed and walking sluggishly to the wardrobe to get a robe and slippers.

"Okay, what do you have to say?" Looking irritated at him I glared deeply into him so he can hence my annoyance.

"Look, remember Daniel in the back of the class?" I nodded as he continued, "he's a suspect and in custody. No wonder why it felt odd. He was a senior last year and.." He went on before I stopped him. "Do you think he did it?" I questioned my best friend. Louis looked down at the floor defeated. "I know he did after they got him as a suspect." He honestly stated. I felt tears spill out of my eyes.

"Lauren, look don't cry. If he was the fuck head who did this he'll be gone. I know it's not fair and I know it's shit but when we think about it life will go on." He looked down in disappointment. "Life will go on?!" I yelled at him. "Louis you don't know how I feel. I have NO biological family left. I just lost my mother because of a fuck head. Then you say life will go on?! I need time to mourn I need time to feel upset and angry. It's apart of healing and you decide to say that it will all blow over someday and I will live my life like nothing happened?!" I yelled at him before he forced me into a hug letting me break down into his arms. "I'm sorry I used the wrong wording. I'm here for you whenever you need me." He said as we stayed there for a generous amount of time.


Two weeks later:

I noticed Shawn came over more than frequently and Camila being distant. Summer Vacation started tomorrow and I was ecstatic but the trial for the shooting was today. Daniel and three of his friends were guilty. I was in the court room with Camila on one side and Louis on the other. Camila took Shawn so that I could have more support but honestly, it was the worst idea yet. She hasn't looked at me at all. Not even a small whisper or saying anything to me to 'stay strong' like everyone else wished me.

The judge walked into the room as we all stood up. He reached the stand.

"You may be seated" the judge said as we all seated.

"Are all parties present?" The judge said as the clerk nodded.

"Yes my Lady. I am Officer Normani Kordei. I am acting on behalf of the state in this matter."
Officer Kordei said before she seated and going through a thick binder of important paper work. 

"My Lord/Lady. I am Michelle Abbott and this is my partner Jonelle Anston. We are acting on behalf of the accused, Daniel Graham, Tyler Harvey, Samuel Short and Vince Ottwa."
The defense seated after introducing themselves.

I looked at my hand which was being accompanied my Louis'. Tracing his thumb on the top giving me strength during the trial being held in front of us.


A/N - Just a quick chapter. The next one will contain the court trial in full so I hope you enjoy

- Bell

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