Chapter 4

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I walk into the funeral home and I grab the small shoe box that had my mothers precious belongings in them. They say when you're cremated that whatever you put in the coffin goes up to heaven with you. I was greeted with my cousins, aunties and grandparents at the bed where my mother was to say our final goodbyes before the funeral.

After everyone left the hall it was just me, rows of chairs and my mother. The shoebox that contained her belongings was tightly hugged to my waist. I walk up to her and open the box. "Hey mom. I thought I would bring you stuff so that you can have them up in heaven" I didn't know what to say it was very awkward "I got you your book. I know you've read it millions of times and you still are reading it so why not read it for another million times." I placed the book inside the coffin. "I didn't see much in your room but I know this is childish but I found the stuffed monkey when you were little so why not have that in heaven too." My vision was getting cloudy. "I wrote a letter to you and it's with a postcard of when we went to Miami beach. I know we went there a lot and I cherish it so here's a little bit of Miami beach for you."

With that I walked out saying my final goodbyes. The funeral itself was depressing. I received goodbyes and condolences from the people who attended. Louis stayed by my side the whole day. Grabbing my hand and giving it a tight squeeze when it seemed like I needed it.

I was on my way out when I spotted Sinu. "Lauren. Hey." She looked at me with sorrow and pain. "Hi." Was all I said as it croaked out of my throat. "Has Officer Kordei told you about your living arrangements?" Sinu asked me. Millions of thoughts rushed through my head. Living arrangements? I was living with Louis. That's my living arrangement. Where would I go? Am I being sent somewhere? "What living arrangement?" I questioned. Lauren your not 18 you can't .." Was all I heard when I saw Officer Kordei exit the building. I rush up to her with blood boiling and steam coming out from my ears.

"WHAT NEW LIVING ARRANGEMENT?!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, "WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THIS?? I THOUGHT YOU WERE TAKING CARE OF ME! COUNSELOR MY ASS!!" Officer Kordei was shocked at my sudden outburst. "Lauren you can't stay with Louis." "Why not?" I question her. "I'm completely okay with Louis. He's my best friend. I'm fine living with him." I explain. "It's too much paperwork for you to live. Right now in the laws eye, you're homeless. For Louis to take care of you it would take too long to fill out paperwork to be a guardian for you. You can't have a minor be a guardian. They won't accept that." Officer Kordei tells me. "I don't have anywhere to go. My dad left me. He's my only outlet right now." I say with defeat. "You are going to have to be put in foster care." My mind shuts down after Officer Kordei's response. Foster care? What the hell will I do in foster care? "I'm not comfortable with that Officer." I explain showing my discomfort to her. "Unless you can find a guardian that's over 18 then I'm going to have to put you on the foster care list." she explains.

I walk over to Sinu with defeat. "Sorry for interrupting." I apologize to her. "Look Lauren before you took off I was going to tell you that if you wanted I could be your guardian. Only if you want." I look up at her. I was stuck in thoughts. She is a close family friend. She's best friends with my mom even though I haven't been to her house or know anything about her. She couldn't be bad. I know this is what Mom would've wanted. "Okay." I say out if the blue, not realizing she was blabbering on. "You sure about this?" She asks me. "Yes. I mean you are my moms best friend so it wouldn't hurt. You aren't that bad." I tell her. She gives me a soft smile. "Okay, well I think you would need to talk to Louis about this." Fuck Louis. "Yeah I'll talk to him tonight." I tell her. "You're welcomed in whenever. Just give me a ring." She says. "Thank you." I tell her. As she walks away.

I hop in my car and close the door. I swiftly out the keys in the ignition and drive. Louis was already home. He left early to feed Sparky. My mind is going through endless thoughts and ways to approach the situation.

I take a long detour as my head is thinking of what to say when I approach him. My detour ended and I was at the front of the apartment complex. I walk up to the door and I knock. Louis greets me with a hug. I walk into my room to clear my head and refresh it. Once I walk in I see my bags already packed. In utter confusion I turn around to see Louis facing me.

"I already knew about the arrangement. I was told yesterday." He confesses. "I knew you were going to be told today. So I went home early to pack your bags and feed Sparky." He continues. I pull him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." I say, feeling guilty of my situation. "Don't say sorry over something you didn't do." I look up at him. It seemed like forever with just us staring at each other. I was so appreciative of him. How did I end up with a best friend like this?


I was at the doorstep of the Cabello's residence. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for Sinu to open the door. The door opened and I looked up to greet Sinu. Only to find there was an attractive young lady about my age standing at the door in the same confused state as I was.

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