Alternative ending

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* This is an alternative outcome of Toby's operation and is not part of the ongoing story *

And the doctor just said four words:

"He didn't make it,"

The colour drained from my face like face paint being washed away by cold water. Just like that my life was over.

"I'm sorry Mrs Cavanaugh, we did everything we could but his body wasn't strong enough to withstand the surgery." His voice sounded distant,

I felt like I was drowning, like I couldn't breath, like my whole life had come crashing down around me.

"Would you like to see him?" I heard the doctors deep voice.

I nodded numbly and stood up. My legs felt like they could barely hold my weight.

I followed the doctor down some stairs and along a corridor.
"Are you ready?" He asked
"No." I whispered, pushing the door open with all the force I could muster- which wasn't much.

I froze when I saw him, my whole body felt like it shut down.

Most of his body was covered with a thin white sheet, I took a few steps foreward and tears fell down and stung my face.

As I got closer, the first thing that I saw was the colour of his skin, his usual olivy skin tone was replaced by a ghostly pale, ashy complexion. My breath stuck in my throat.

When I saw his face I felt an agonising pain in my chest. Like someone had ripped my heart right from me and left a gaping hole there.

He was really gone.

I dropped to my knees so my face was level with his. Pain shot through my body as I hit the cold concrete floor, my whole body shaking with tears.

I wanted so desperately to see his cornflour blue eyes and to feel the warmth of his touch just one more time. But I couldn't. Ever again.

I regained my composure and stood up shakily.

I bent over Toby's body until we were inches apart, a tear dropped from my face to his. I kissed his lips gently. They were so cold. I felt pains in my heart when he didn't kiss me back.

When our lips parted I rested my forehead against his like I had done so many times.

"I love you Toby Cavanaugh," I whispered.

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