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"Smile Poppy!" I grinned, holding my phone up to take a picture of her. She suddenly burst out laughing and I looked behind me to see Toby pulling a face and dancing from one foot to the other. I suppressed a giggle and gave him an I'm-trying-to-take-a-serious-photo look.

She was wearing a pale grey skirt that almost reached her ankles (I told her that she'd grow into it!) and a huge navy blue jumper with a small emblem in the top right hand corner. I'd cried twice that morning- I couldn't believe that she was starting school already.

I looked at my watch,
"Alright come on Poppy we're going to be late!" I said quickly tossing her her rucksack.
"You too!" I hit Toby's shoulder playfully, he was still pulling a face and Poppy was almost crying with laughter.

We all jumped into the car, Toby even got into the back with poppy to hold her hand. He wasn't aloud to drive as it had only been a couple of weeks since the operation and he was still in recovery.

I turned the radio and all three of us sang at full volume the whole ride to Poppy's new school.

When we arrived I got out of the car and Poppy looked nervous. I bent down in front of her and tightened her short blonde ponytail.

"You are going to have the most amazing time Poppy, you really are!" I hugged her right when I felt myself starting to well up again.

Pregnancy hormones + first days of school = bad combination!

Poppy then turned around and gave Toby a funny look,
"Mummy's going to cry again!" She said and he just laughed and ruffled her hair,
"Have a good day Pops," he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Toby wrapped his arm around my torso and I rested my head in the crook of his neck as we watched Poppy walk towards the small primary school building- her pink back pack bouncing on her shoulders as she moved.

"Look at our little girl, all grown up," Toby smiled and turned his head to kiss my lips.

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