11. The baby talk

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A few weeks passed and I started to prepare our home for Christmas. It wasn't really my favorite holiday. We would visit Andrew's family. They were nice but I always got the feeling they thought I wasn't good enough for Andrew. His family was... I don't know. It was not like they were super rich or something. Maybe it was because I came from foster care and they knew my mom was an addict. Andrew had been so nice to tell them. Even after I told him not too.
I did love Christmas decorations and making Christmas cards. You know... I was a crafty person. Because I only worked 3 days a week I had time to spear for these things.
I had been pretty busy with cards when an old school friend called. She hadn't been at the Halloween party because she was a new mom. She planned on visiting town but needed a place to stay and asked me if she could spend a night at our place with the baby. Her husband wasn't able to come and her family didn't have the room for her.
Of course I told her yes. I loved kids. I couldn't wait for her to arrive.

That night when I was curled up on the couch next to Andrew I told him about the phone call.
"It's alright if Jenny stay's here for a night right? I mean we have the guest room and she said she would take a travel cot with her." I said leaning my head on his chest. He had a long day at work an brought take out. The half empty carton's were still standing on the empty coffee table.
"Does she have too" He grunted a little grumpy.
"Oh come on. This way she doesn't need to get a motel. The rest of the days she is with Becky"
I told him lifting my head a little and pouting a little hoping puppy eyes would work.
"That tramp... no wonder she got herself knocked up. I am still waiting for Becky to end up with some random guys kid too"
My eyebrows went up. "Jenny has a boyfriend" I replied.
"Yeah, then were is he?"
"He has to work"
Andrew rolled his eyes "Yeah sure"
His behavior kind of set me of but I wasn't giving up just yet. I wanted to see Jenny and spend time with her and her kid. I had seen pictures and they were adorable!
"Please Drew. It's just one night and her little one will not wake us up. She says she sleeps through the night already. She is only 4 months old!" I was begging by now. I really had been looking forward to it already and didn't expect Andrew to be so difficult.

"I don't want a baby in the house Em. Just tell her we will be out" He snapped pushing me of off his chest. "I already said she could come" I murmured disappointed.
"And someday there will be a baby in the house." I smiled a little getting a disgusted look in return.
"Not any day soon" He snarled.
I frowned "What do you mean with that?" I asked loudly.
"That you are not turning in some big balloon gaining forty pounds because of some little monster"
My jaw dropped "Well that is a nice way of putting it" I snapped getting up to clean of the small table.
"It's true!" He told me making no effort to help me.
"It's not! Come on Drew. You know I want to have kids. You knew when you married me!" I stomped to the kitchen. He was in a mood that was for sure. I didn't say I wanted kids right now did I. There was no need for him to be such an asshole about it.

I put the leftovers in the fridge and walked back. I figured it was time to make a statement. "You know what... If you don't want to see Jenny or her baby you can go out! She is coming if you like it or not"
Andrew looked at me and got on his feet slowly. His eyes were dark and I knew I had just done something incredibly stupid.
"It that so?" He asked me in a low voice. His voice alone scared the hell out of me.
I tried to back away but he was faster then me and shoved me against the wall.
"Tell me... what do you want me to do?" He growled angrily.
I didn't say a thing.
"What Emily!" He now yelled and I put my arms up to defend myself because I was scared he would hit me. In stead of hitting he grabbed one of my arms and smacked it into the wall behind me making me gasp and let out a small scream in pain.
"You are not telling me when I can be home! I paid for this house! I paid for everything in it. You have no right to tell me anything" He was now squeezing my arms do hard as if he tried to break it.
"You hear me?" He threatened looking me straight in the eye.
He didn't give me time to answer he let go of my arm and slapped me right across the face so hard my face felt almost numb afterward.
"You better listen Emily because You have nothing without me. Remember that!" He raged grabbing my upper arms and like I weighed nothing he shoved me to the ground where my head hit the coffee table.

I think I blacked out because when I opened my eyes Andrew was gone. I could hear the shower upstairs. My face was still glowing after his slap but not just that. The side was pounding like someone had smashed it into a wall. Only now I remembered I had smashed into the coffee table. I sat up with a soft moan. Not only my face hurt like hell but my arm too. I could hardly move it.
I had been so, so stupid!

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<3 Suuz

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