39. Eden

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I wanted to hold our little baby so bad that I couldn't fall asleep. Eventually after Seth came back with a ton of pictures and even a little video I dozed off while holding his hand. 
The next morning I was woken up by him softly shaking me. "Em, wake up we will go and see Eden" He whispered and kissed me gently.
We were by ourselves now. Claire and Taylor weren't in the room. 
"Is she alright?" I asked a little worried. "She is perfectly fine, but I think you would like to meet her don't you" He grinned and tapped to the wheelchair he was holding for me. I guess that would be a good idea because I didn't feel like I could walk.

"How do you feel?" Seth asked as he slowly pushed me through a dead silent hallway. It was really early in the morning.
"Broken" I admitted. My whole body was soar. "I can Imagine... let's not have any more babies any day soon okay?" I could hear him chuckle behind me.
"Yeah, good idea. Let's enjoy this one first" I smiled.
To be honest, I was just a little nervous to see Eden. It already felt more like a dream that I had held her when she was just born.
"I was told she might be able to come home in a few days if she feeds like she should" Seth told me when he drove me into the NIC-U. I turned my head and saw the biggest brightest smile on his face. 
"Really?" He nodded. "Yeah, We just have to be sure she gains weight. I fed her earlier and now it's your turn" 
"You fed her?" I didn't mean to but I sounded kind of jealous. I never noticed that he was gone. "Yes sweetheart. You really needed you sleep." He chuckled a little as he stopped. 
We had to clean ourselves up before we could go on because some babies here were super small and had no immune system just yet. 

After we were done he drove me in to a small cot where our little Eden was sleeping. 
"She doesn't even need a full incubator" Seth said all proud. I grinned at him for a second before I got up out of the wheelchair. I looked at the little creature I had carried with me for 8 months. 
"Hey Munchkin" I whispered. I had been calling her munchkin for so long, that would most definitely be her nicknames for years. 

A minute later I was feeding her and I was as happy as could be. The pain... I didn't care. Our baby was alright and I couldn't ask for more. 
"Hey... just so you know" Seth started in a whisper while he sat next to me "They tested because those horrible people asked too, she is most definitely mine. So when we go home there is nothing to worry about" 
"I knew she was yours" I said and gave him a smile. He smiled back at me and pressed a kiss on my lips. "Me too gorgeous." He whispered and pushed the hair back from my face.

 "Will you please marry me" 
I blinked a few times... did he really just ask me that? He smiled as his cheeks turned a bright red. "Please?" He begged me getting out a ring... I gigantic one if you ask me. I could hardly believe my eyes, or ears. 
"I know it is maybe a little soon and you had a horrible experience being married but really. I promise to do right by you and Eden of course" He kissed the top of her little head. 
I took a deep breath, I was indeed a little hesitant to say yes. It felt way to soon. On the other hand, I was madly in love with this man. I knew he meant what he said. 

"Okay" I answered after a silence that was maybe a little to long. "But no big huge wedding alright?" I told him making him laugh. 
"You sure?" He asked me again holding the ring in front of me. 
"Yes..." I nodded with a big smile and looked back at Eden. "You agree too munchkin?" I asked. As if she agreed a little adorable sound came from her making us both laugh. 
Seth put the ring on my finger. "You know it's horribly big right?" I told him raising my eyebrows. The thing was even heavy. Seth just shrugged. "Nah, you deserve the best" He kissed me when I wanted to make another comment. "Stop worrying!" He ordered me which made me shut up. 

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