#5 The Other Boy's First Impressions Of You

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Louis: Harry already knew you pretty well since you spent a lot of time at their shared flat, so it was his idea to invite you to his 19th birthday party. At first you didn’t want to intrude on his big day, but he liked you and insisted you came. At the party Louis introduced you to all the boys and they instantly saw why Louis had fallen so hard for you; you were just as sassy as he was and weren’t too clingy.

Harry: The guys already knew everything about you before they even met you, since Harry was always talking about you. When you the boys made you feel very welcome and at home, it was like you were catching up with old friends. They joked around and made you feel like you were part of the group. You were a hard working and independent girl and they had a lot of respect for you since you wanted to go to law school to study International Justice. When you got hate on twitter, Harry wasn’t the only one to defend you; the other boys knew exactly how to put the haters in their rightful places.

Niall: You were the star of a teen Disney show, so you had your own fame before you started dating Niall. Fans were always shipping you and hoping you’d get together. After you followed each other on twitter and started chatting, it eventually turned into a romance. You guys met up in New-York for dinner and after to watch his show where you met the rest of the boys. At first they thought you were only with Niall for the fame, but after giving you another chance found out what you were really like and fell in love with you, just like their little Nialler.

Liam: You and Liam had been talking for months before you actually got together. It was hard because just after you met, you started an international-tour, but both you and the boys were in America, so Liam flew you out to California. At first the boys didn’t know what to think about you because you were really shy, but adored you when you finally opened up to them. Louis and Harry especially gave you a hard time because of your southern accent, “we’ve never had a friend with a southern accent before, we’ll miss you” they say as they hug you good-bye, hoping to see you again soon.

Zayn: You had been dating for a while before you met any of the guys. Zayn wanted to keep you out of the spotlight for as long as possible, but since they were doing a show near your campus, he invited you along. You were nervous to meet everyone, but he promised they’d all be nice, he was right. You had trouble striking up conversation since you felt intimidated by the other guys, but by the end of the night you were all laughing, hanging out and having a wonderful time. Niall liked you a lot because you were a football player and Harry though it was cool that you love animals so much. After Zayn took you home, the rest of the guys told him how happy they were for him because he seemed to have found his perfect match.

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