#81 You Do Something To Him In His Sleep

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Louis: Walking towards the kitchen to make tea you couldn’t help but notice Louis’ limp body lying on the couch. He was exhausted from touring, and perfect conditions to play a prank on him. Tip toeing to the kitchen you warmed some water and placed near the couch, hoping Louis would roll over, and his free hand falling into the water. Everything you had hoped for came true as you watched his pants suddenly became wet. "(Y/N)!" Louis jerked up instantaneously and looked down. You giggled before doing a little happy dance in a circle singing, “I pranked the Tommo!" repeatedly. “Be warned (y/n). You may have won this battle, but you haven’t won the war. You don’t know who you’re up against," Louis said in a semi-serious, semi-joking tone. You just laughed knowing that you pranked him

Harry: It was obvious Harry had jet lag. It was 4 P.M. and Harry still wasn’t up. You debated whether to wake him or not, but it would be more fun to straighten his curly locks. Carefully handling the straightener you began to work some magic. Once finished you parted it to the side making it look like a man from the 50s. “Perfect!" you mumbled. Harry began to stir and woke up to find you on top of him. “Babe, what are you doing?" he groaned. “Hmm? Oh, nothing!" you said innocently before leaving Harry with a confused expression.  Outside the door you did a silent countdown before hearing, "(Y/N)! What did you do to my hair!"

Niall: “Hahaha that’s funny Louis, give it back," Niall murmured in his sleep. The house was boring without Niall telling you stories about the tour or the fans. Nonchalantly you pulled out your collection of nail polish and began to paint when the perfect idea suddenly hit you. Paint Niall’s nails! Niall was a heavy sleeper so there was nothing to worry about. The only problem would be if he suddenly rolled over or tossed and turned. Taking one hand from under the covers you began to paint, colouring his thumb the Irish flag. After about 30 minutes of intense precision all of Niall’s nails were colored in green, orange, and white. Niall had a “pleasant" surprise when he awoke from his nap.

Liam: "(y/n)! I wanna be a mermer like Arieo and have long wed haiyo and be pwetty!" your 3 year old sister chanted gleefully. Your sister was spending the weekend with you since your parents were on vacation. “But you’re already pretty," you smiled back. “Not like Arieo," she looked down. You laughed at her cuteness and pronunciation. “Tell you what," you crouched, eye level with her, “I’ll go into my secret room where Prince Eric is sleeping and grab some make up so you can be like Ariel. OK?" (y/s/n) nodded. “Can we do Prince Eric’s makeup too?" (y/s/n) asked. “Sure!" After you grabbed the makeup  (y/s/n) immediately climbed into the bed and began to do Liam’s makeup. Liam stirred from his slumber to see a 3 year old covered in makeup holding a mirror towards him. Realizing what was happening Liam just laughed and gave “Ariel" a kiss on the cheek

Zayn: Zayn always slept and it was starting to annoy you. You watched him with cold eyes as he dreamed of whatever he dreams of. Suddenly an idea clicked! Zayn not give Zayn more tattoos? You were a pretty good artist and it would be fun. Gently grabbing one of his arms you began to draw random figures all over his skin with a sharpie. "(y/n) I don’t want any more tattoos," he mumbled half conscience, “stop drawing on me." Busted! Tossing the sharpie to the floor you crept out of the room hoping he wouldn’t remember a thing.

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