Chapter 1 : All of her maybe's

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A/N: Sorry if there might be grammatical errors, I was just so excited to post this that I haven't proof read yet. But I will fix it later. I'm just tired from all the school works and stuff )):


Sometimes the past haunts us when we least expected to.


One year.

It has been one year ever since the last time that she has heard from her. Taylor Swift did everything to shut someone off from her life, exactly 365 days ago. It wasn't just someone, it was someone so important and dear to her. Someone who also broke her trust, someone who she'd never expect would do such thing to her.

She regretted it, she wanted to hear her out but in the end it was too late and she realized how undeserving she was to be with that person.

That's why she decided to let her go.

It wasn't easy. It was a struggle, a struggle that she has to go through every second of everyday.

There are times that she thought she has forgot about her, that everything's totally okay now, that everything's alright, that she has finally fully let go of that person.

But whenever silence creeps in, she'd always find herself thinking of her.

Why? Fuck, Why!?

How can she forget those green eyes?

How can she forget someone who gave her so much to remember?

Everyday, she closes her eyes and thinks of all the ways to get her off her head. But no matter how hard she tries to think of all the possible ways.

It always fails.

Standing tall in front of 10,000 people, she clutched the microphone near her mouth. Her blue eyes wandered across the crowd as cheers erupted the moment she flashed a smile and introduced herself as she waves.

Through the loud cheers and claps, she could feel her heart beat hard inside her chest.

She had never been so nervous in her entire life. She has never felt this way when she released an album exactly 6 months ago. Even though she fears that people might not like her music.

Well, she was, but it wasn't like this. It wasn't as bad as this one.

She should be use to the limelight, it's her 6th concert in her first ever US tour this year and when she released her album, the people embraced her music warmly. Which caused her album to easily made it's way at the 5th spot of Billboard, 2 weeks after it's release. And as of now, it's at the number one spot for the 2nd consecutive week. The album has sold 592, 000 copies in it's first week as well-- a very good start indeed for someone who's new in the industry.

She should be confident right? Staring at these sea people, who's looking up to her, adoring her, loving her.

But no. She couldn't. Even if she wanted to, she just couldn't.

It's probably because this song, this newly composed song that she's going to sing for them tonight for the first time ever.

As she closes her eyes for a while and heave a silent sigh, she remembered how the spotlight would be trained at her every time she gets up on the stage to perform in some bars before, with only a few people watching her and applauding for her as they drink. But during those performance, what she couldn't forget is the shining pair of green eyes, looking straight at her as she performs.

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