Chapter 7: Given a chance

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When one's still stranded in the past, it disables their ability to grow and move on.


Taylor always and secretly wanted life to have a rewind button. A rewind button that would give her a chance to correct all of her mistakes. Although she knows that these mistakes taught her the greatest lessons and made her the person who she is right now. There's still a part of her that just wanted to change everything and make it perfect, thinking that maybe if she did 'this instead of that.' everything will be much better, that everything will be perfect, everything will be just as the way she wanted things to be.

Sadly, she has to accept that life goes on, and there's no time machine or rewind button that will save her life if in case she commits a grave mistake. But sometimes, she couldn't help but to daydream and ask her self a lot of questions, "I wonder what it would be like if I did plan B instead of plan A?", "I wonder what if I feel this instead of that?", "What if I never replied to Sunshine's message? I wonder. . . What would everything be like. . . Will everything be okay?"

She would find herself closing her eyes, imaging that everything's perfect if she has done the things she didn't.

Hearing a sound of someone typing woke her up from her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a dark room, tucked under the covers, comforter pulled up to her chest.

What happened? Why am I--- oh. . .

That's right. . .

She went to the Kloss' and watched some horror movies with Karlie in her bedroom... Something that they haven't done for a while.

A bright light and a yawn caught her attention from the corner of her eye. She turned her head to the side and saw Karlie on her desktop, brows furrowed while typing, screaming that professional and matured aura again.

As she shifted her body to the side, Karlie turned her head to face her and smiled, "Hi Tay," greeted Karlie. "How was your sleep?"

"It's good, except that your typing woke me up." Taylor responded in a hoarse, sleepy voice. Her eyes still tempting to shut. She glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand and saw that it was 2 in the morning.

Shouldn't she be asleep already?

"Sorry. I'm just excited that I'm almost half-way done with this drone, that's probably why--" Karlie yawned and stretched. "--I pressed the keys harder than I've intended to."

"You should sleep." Taylor said nonchalantly, trying her best not to show her concern.

"I will." Karlie pulled a flash drive from the CPU and placed it on the desk before shutting down her computer. She stood up from her seat and walked over to the door, which made Taylor's brow furrow.

"Where are you going!?" Taylor asked.

Karlie opened the door slightly and turned her head slowly to face Taylor with a sly smile on her face.

"I was about to go out of my room because you're sleeping here and was about to sleep on the couch instead. But since you're trying to stop me from leaving my room. I just wanted to open the door." Karlie answered laughing as she closed the door.

What the hell? Taylor silently hoped that the room's darkness would cover up her flushing cheeks and the air conditioning unit's sound would cover up for the beat of her heart.

"Stay here. I'll be the one who'll sleep on the couch." Taylor slipped out of bed, but while she was walking towards the door, she stopped dead in her tracks when Karlie said,

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