dear cameron

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I sit on my bed, staring at the Manila folder. It made me feel so guilty. Just looking at it. Who knew that one little envelope could make you feel like such a hideous person? It was decorated with little hearts, and it was sealed with a sparkly sticker. It said "Cameron" on the front of it, written in sharpie in a very cute font. Like a cursive. It was very pretty. Whoever sent this must of put a lot of effort into this small package.
I carefully lift up the sticker, trying ever so hard not to rip anything. Too late. The sticker tears in half, leaving me with one half of a sparky circle. I sigh, and stick on the envelope, longing to put it back with its other half. I take out the first letter that was in the envelope. It was handwritten, a very love letter type font. It was pretty. I could see the stains that were left on the paper, tear stains. I had never seen Cameron cry. The ink was blurry in parts of the letter, but I could make out the words.
dear cameron,
as you're reading this, I am on my way to boston. I am with my mother, and she is nervous. She has spent this trip watching the trees pass by. She longs for city life. She hopes for society, soon. We are in the middle of no where, basically. Well, we are somewhere. But we don't no where somewhere is. I have been on this train for 27 hours, 13 minutes, and 29 seconds. 30, 31. I have been feeling utterly refreshed. I need to be away from everything for a while. I need some time to think about everything. If I am being honest, I don't think I'll be back anytime soon. Nor will I ever talk to you face to face again. You know I do not like to do all that video chat stuff. So here's my solution. Letters. I am sending six letters to you, and only six. Maybe seven, when I am old and gray. But for now, six. You will get one letter a month. I know how hard that will be for you, Cameron. But my mother does not care to pay for overnight shipping. I'm lucky she is even letting me send one letter a month. We never send mail. This train is taking me somewhere great, where I hope I will live the rest of my life. This is my ticket out. This is it. I hope to find someone who loves me as much as you did. I want you to know that you took very good care of me. Such good care. I thank you for the memories we shared together. They are some of my fondest memories I have made on this planet so far. But I must keep going. I must move on. We'll be in boston in exactly 6 hours, 7 minutes, and 18 seconds. 17, 16. How I hope things will be better there. I hope things won't be as terrible as they were there. And Cameron, I hope you find a better girl, who doesn't leave you because of a stupid sex tape. But I wouldn't blame her if she did. I hope she is confident, and brave, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Take are of her. Good care. Treat her as if she were me. I'm not telling you to look at her and incision my face. But to treat her kindly, as you did for me. It won't be hard to replace me. I know it won't. You have girls lined up to be with you. To date the young, charming, and handsome, Cameron Dallas. Tell her to say away from that Shawn boy. He'll ruin her life like he did to me.
goodbye for  now.
tender, love, and care.

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