Chapter: 14

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''KOL'' I yelled as I quickly ran to his side

I watched as he burned and turned gray I could see him suffering to tell me something but the words wouldnt come out. I looked up and saw Klaus motionless and soundless watching, I could see tears wanting to come out but wiped them away. Everyone stared at me with pity eyes and sadness.

''SOMEONE HELP HIM!'' I yelled through tears

''Get up, come on Iris'' Damon said lifting me up

''LET GO OF ME!'' I yelled and sank down on the floor next to Kol

''Kol dont leave me'' I said quietly

''Brother'' Klaus said 

I took one last glimpse of Kol and walked to a slumped Adrianna, I grabbed her and lifted her up, it took a few minutes for her to regain balance once she did Adrianna looked at me.

''He derserved it'' Adrianna hissed

With that I slapped her so hard Adrianna skided across the room, Klaus and Damon hold me back before I could kill Adrianna, the rest went and picked up Adrianna. I watched as Rebekah regained conscienceness she finally got up and gasped as she saw her brother's body laying on the cold stone floor.

''Who did this?'' Rebekah said in sobs

''Adrianna'' I said 

Rebekah stopped crying and looked at the direction of Adrianna 

''I'm not going to kill her'' Rebekah said simply

''What!?'' I said still trying to fight Klaus and Damon's grasp

''Iris you bite her didn't you?'' Rebekah asked 

''Yes..'' I said then remembered what happened if I would bite a vampire

''Well look whose faith lies on me'' Klaus said letting go of my arms and walking towards Adrianna

Adrianna stared at him.

''I am the only one that can save you'' Klaus said with a smirk

''Adrian left you like you were nothing'' I said 

''He'll be back'' Adrianna said 

''Keep telling yourself that'' I said 

''I know you know a witch who can bring back vampires'' Rebekah said 

''I wont say a word'' Adrianna said

''Very well, I tried the easy way'' Rebekah said

''I guess I am gonna find out what happens when a vampire is bitten by Iris''  Klaus said 

''If there is a way to bring Kol back then we should consider bringing him back'' Elena said 

''There's no way we can bring a vampire back especially an Original'' Damon said

''There is one'' Adrianna said smiling

''Great, the adventure starts'' Damon said 

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