Chapter: 16

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''Why plotting against all of us?'' I asked Elijah 

''Were the one obstacle that is left to get to Mrs. Knight'' Elijah said formally

''Well, were going to fight back, they cant have her'' Damon said stunning everyone 

''Damon, I think that was the most selfless words I've ever heard you say'' Stefan said 

''I have my Stefan moments'' Damon said 

''Back to the topic, the next thing I'm about to say may change everything'' Elijah said 

''Spit it out'' Rebekah said 

''They have a cure for vamprism'' Elijah said 

For a moment I didnt make a sound or a remark, I looked at each vampire in the room, they all seemed to be thinking. I looked at Elijah trying to read his face but know emotion appeared, he really didnt mind being a vampire but the rest of the group seemed to have a different opinon.

''I believe that changed our allies'' Klaus said looking straight at Rebekah

''A cure?'' Rebekah asked 

''Yes, sister a cure'' Elijah said 

''What do we have to do to get the cure?'' Rebekah said instantly 

''Turn in Mrs. Knight'' Elijah said 

I watched as Rebekah turned her gaze towards Iris, Rebekah always seemed to have wanted a normal life, to go to her high school prom, make a family, and the most important thing die the time she was suppose too. Rebekah instantly flashed towards Iris, and I blocked her, she beared her teeth at me and I did the same, everyone sided with me and blocked Iris away from Rebekah even Elijah.

''Kol I know you love her greatly with passion that I wished someone would have for me, but the cure is what I always wanted and I'm willing to do anything to get it'' Rebekah said 

''Rebekah dont do this, we can get past this and will find another way to cure you so you can have a family of your own'' I said calmly

''Rebekah'' Elijah said nearing her

''Brothers I derserve to be happy, all I've ever felt is sadness just running to cities and always having to stick together'' Rebekah said 

''Kol derserves as much happiness as you'' Klaus said bitterly 

''Why because of what happened with Annabelle?'' Rebekah said 

''REBEKAH!'' Klaus yelled

''Enough'' Elijah said looking at my expression

It took me centurys to forget Annabelle, my siblings had watched me suffer and I grieved in a terrible way, I massacred people in small towns I killed for know reason, that's why everyone considered me a monster from the Mikealson's family. At one point I had turned off my humanity, and right now I felt all of the emotions flooding back in, I just squezzed Iris hand for reassurance.

''I'm sorry Kol...'' Rebekah said 

''I..It's okay'' I said choking trying to hold back the emotions

''Are you alright?'' Iris asked

''I'm fine'' I said 

''Are you sure, Kol?'' Caroline said 

''I'M FINE!'' I yelled angrily

Everyone seemed to jump, I calmed down and simply said 

''I'm fine'' I said 

''Are you Kol, really?'' Klaus said 

''Brother, I said I was fine'' I said once again

''Maybe this is overwhelming Kol, maybe you should let us handle this'' Elena said 

''No, I'm fine it was just a memory I had'' I said 

''Okay'' Elena said 

''Well we should all get some rest, it's going to be a long week'' Stefan suggested

Everyone nodded in agreement, I watched as Stefan, Damon, Elena and Iris left so did everyone else trailing right behind them. I didnt even look at my siblings who were arguing I just walked upstairs and into my room, I went to my bed and layed there looking at the ceiling trying to keep the memories from coming back.

1997 KOL....

I walked to Annabelle's house every single day once she came out of school, she always asked me to enroll myself in school and I did and I was going to tell her the news at this very moment. I was walking up the steps and smelled it, blood. I saw something odd the door was opened a crack and I began to worry, I opened the door wider and walked in, but once I walked in blood covered the floor, on the walls you could see the bloody handprints, I watched as the blood was a trail  leading to the kitchen. I for the first time was scared to even walk further but I did and got to the kitchen at first I didnt see anyone then I walked deeper into the kitchen and saw Annabelle's mother lying on the floor, her throat slit and blood poured out. I knew she was dead, then I watched as another trail appeared to be going to the living room and I followed it to find 2 more bodies. I walked towards them and turned them around to see who it was and I let out a gasp as I saw the 2 lifeless bodies, the boys were Annabelle's brothers, they were only children the oldest was 10 and the other 6 years old. Then another trail formed leading to the place I dreaded it would lead, Annabelle's room I quietly made my way to Annabelle's room I stood in front of her white door, which was now smudged with a bloody handprint, I turned the knob and opened the door.

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