Chapter: 26

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It was the morning, as I walked downstairs to meet the others I felt quite odd, I could hear Jeremy speaking to Elena. I walked into the kitchen and everyone said good morning, I looked at Jeremy and he looked at me for a moment then I looked away.

''So what are we doing today?'' I asked

 ''We are going to train'' Klaus said 

''All of us'' Damon said

''Okay, so what are we going to train?'' I asked

''How to use your abilities'' Klaus said 

''And how to fight'' Jeremy added 

''Fun'' I said 

''It's not suppose to be fun, it's suppose to help you'' Damon said 

''Fine'' I said 

An hour past and we all walked out onto the backyard which was huge, Stefan organized where everyone was going to go and practice, like stations for combat etc. and I was grouped with Klaus and Tyler.

''Now usually..'' Tyler said but was cut off

''I'm going to teach her, she is loyal unlike you'' Klaus said 

''Really? your still mad about me breaking the sire bond'' Tyler said 

''You broke it?'' I said 

''Dont listen to his nonsense''' Klaus said 

''I did break it, so can you'' he said 

''How?'' I asked

Then Klaus struck me making me fall to the ground, everyone had saw Tyler was angry and of course Damon, but Stefan seemed to be controlling him. I got up angrily and I just felt like ripping his head off.

''Why did you do that?"' I said 

''Easy, right?'' Klaus said 

''What?'' I asked

''Your eyes have turned a deep silver and your fangs came out '' Klaus said

''So, I have to be angry?'' I said 

''Yes'' Klaus said

''Okay'' I said 

''Now, you can leave me alone I must help my brother'' Klaus said walking away

''Iris, now you have to learn how to fight'' Stefan said 

''Great, that's hard'' I said 

 ''It isn't, it's easy especially for you since your unkillable and all'' Jeremy said 

''Your unkillable too, so it's easy for you too'' I said gesturing at the ring

''I guess'' Jeremy said smiling 

My heart skipped a beat when he smiled, I just have different feelings now for Jeremy since yesterday.

''So your going to train me?" I said smiling 

''Yeah, have a problem?'' Jeremy said smiling

''No, not at all'' I said  

''Jeremy, stop flirting and start teaching'' Damon yelled from across the yard

''Really?'' I yelled at Damon

''Yes'' Damon said 

''Alright, so let's start then'' Jeremy said 

Two hours have passed and I'm still out here with Jeremy and I have to say I'm pretty good at fighting. Everyone had gone inside to eat so we were alone, right now Jeremy was teaching me how to use a cross bow.

''Alright stand here'' he said 

''Now what'' I asked

''Now you have to stand like this, but sometimes when your fighting you wont even remember'' Jeremy said 

He grabed me, his hands on my waist, he slowly moved me into the position I was suppose to be when shooting. Then I could feel his breath on my ear, I could hear his beating heart so close to me.

''Shoot'' Jeremy whispered in my ear

I did as I was told, the arrow went straight into the target, I was surprised I actually did it.

''You see you can do it'' Jeremy said 

I turned to look at him and I hugged him, he hugged back then I looked into his eyes, our lips inches apart. I started to near him when suddenly.


I quickly let go of Jeremy and walked towards Caroline

''Really?'' I said 

''Yes, really'' Caroline said 

''Who sent you?'' I said 

''Damon and Stefan'' Caroline said 

I walked into the house angrily, I really was going to kill my brothers for ruining my moment with Jeremy.

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