Chapter : 36

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I began to search for Angelus, my eyes skimmed the whole entire place but no luck.  I was about to give up and receive the fate Kol and Iris would have which was a love for eternity, when someone taps my shoulder,  I turn to find Angelus smiling at me with two glasses filled with champagne.

"I'm here" he said

"How did you..." I said

"Please,  I am the most powerful warlock in New Orleans, I would know if someone was looking for me" he said

"I'm guessing you know what I want to talk about? " I asked

"Yes, we must speak in private, not here" Angelus immediately said

He gestured his head for me to follow  him,  I first look around and quickly followed him into a room.


I chugged down the whisky, this was already my second bottle and now I was feeling a little dizzy.

"Focus on what we came to do " Danika whispered

"I am, I'm just blending in" I said

"Getting drunk and grabbing attention isnt blending in" Danika said

"Can't you be witchy somewhere else " I said angrily

"You don't like being wrong,  and for now I'm off duty (refering to the witch thing )" Danika said

"Here, calms down  the nerves " I said as I handed her a glass of whisky

"So I'm guessing your nervous " she asked

"Is it that obvious " I looked at her with a sad expression

"It's alright you're secret is safe with me" Danika said smiling

"I might actually get along with you" I told Danika honestly

She sat down next to me and we began to talk, during our conversation I noticed Anabelle slip into one of the rooms with Angelus I told Danika and she quickly stands and warns the others.  I Sat there a million thoughts running through my head,  I quickly stand and forget about the rest of the group,  I wasn't gonna wait, I stopped when I see a beautiful girl with a golden sparkly dress she wore a mask but I knew immediately who it was,  it's my instinct to know who it was, Iris, and Klaus was beside her.


I walked around talking to people I knew,  then suddenly I see the group huddled in a circle, I quickly began to walk over to them but my eyes fell on Damon who had his eyes focused on something else,  he slowly began to walk towards something.  I follow his gaze and I see Iris, my heart skips a beat feelings pouring out but I had to stay focus because there was something wrong I was looking at Iris but it felt as if it  wasn't her I quickly run to Damon knowing that this was a trap.

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