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''Quinn...'' I said, shocked by his presence 

''Did you forget about me? Oh want me to give you a strong reminder'' Quinn said 

He grabed me by the throat and threw me, I landed on top of a wooden table which broke once I had hit there, I heard footsteps it was kol and Lexi.

''Iris are you okay?'' Lexi asked

''Yes'' I said unsurely

''Who was that?'' Kol asked

''We can talk about it later'' I said 

''Now where is he'' I heard the rest come near me

''His gone'' Caroline said 

''No...'' Klaus whispered

We all looked at him with confused faces.

''His still here'' Klaus said 

Klaus and Tyler's eyes seemed to be on full alert, klaus eyes turned yellow so did Tyler's, there hybrid side was coming out.

''Iris?'' Kol said

''What?'' I asked

''Why is your  side coming out?'' Kol asked

''I don't know I didn't trigger it'' I said 

''Its him, he attacked so Iris is on the defense'' Klaus answered looking around

I stood up and brushed off some pieces of wood that were on my shirt, Damon and Stefan quickly looked at me looking for any wounds and Kol kept asking me if I were okay.


''I'm sorry'' Kol said 

''Don't be sorry Kol'' Tyler said 

''Why not?" Kol asked

''Brother, right now she is highly sensitive and will easily get angry and might rip your head off'' Klaus said with a smile

A vase sitting on a little pedistal fell and shattered to a billion pieces. I heard a scream coming from behind me and I quickly turned around just in time to see Quinn grab Caroline from behind and disappeared.

''How does he disappear like that?'' Rebekah asked

''He..'' I began but Klaus cut me off

''We must find Caroline he can hurt her'' Klaus said 

''Look who jumps when its about Caroline'' Rebekah said 

''At least I worry for her safety unlike my mate over here'' Klaus said indicating to Tyler

''Now what is that suppose to mean?'' Tyler said as he got into Klaus face

''Not now guys'' I said as I walked towards them and pushed them opposite directions from  each other they took steps back trying to gain balance.

''Your very strong Iris'' Alaric said surprised of my strength

''Yeah, since Klaus ripped my heart out of my chest'' I said smiling

''It was nothing personal, love'' Klaus said 

''Guys we have to focus'' Stefan said 

''Right'' Damon said 

''Well...'' I never got to finish my sentence when I feel a sharp pain come from my back

I heard the gang calling my name, I hit the floor hard, I couldnt move at all and I screamed in pain I knew Quinn had done something to me.

''Iris'' Kol said 

''You have to catch Quinn, his a warlock like Angelus and his very dangerous'' I said 

''I know his dangerous , he just injected you'' Tyler said 

''But remember I'm unkillable'' I said 

''Yes, but for example we Originals can only be hurt by the dagger and we go into a deep sleep the same will happen to you''' Klaus said 

''But..'' I said but I felt myself sleepier by the second and once I tried to fight it I fell into darkness


''Iris'' I said as she know longer was conscience 

''Kol, we can help her'' Danika said and Bonnie beside her

''Alright, we should all find Quinn'' Stefan said 

We all spread out in different directions and I ran upstairs and checked each room, I finally got to the last room which was mine. I opened it and walked in, I felt something diffferent about my room, I was about to yell for the others to come when Quinn appears in front of me and stabbed me with a stake but not any stake the lethal weapon for an Original. I tried to scream but I began to desacate.

''Its nothing personal'' Quinn whispered in my ear

The last thing I remembered was Quinn lifting me on his shoulder.

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