Chapter: 51

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I couldn't move I still layed on the cold hard floor while the others searched for a missing Caroline, I tried my hardest to move but it was impossible. I then heard Klaus yell that Caroline was in the basement, for a couple of minutes everything was silent, finally everyone apppeared in the living room with Caroline, Rebekah and Lexi bent down and picked me up and half draged me towards the couch.

''Carolina, are you okay?'' Stefan asked

''Yeah I'm just light headed'' Carolina said while rubbing her head

''Hey guys, has anyone seen Kol?'' I asked

Everyone nodded there heads, I had seen him a few minutes ago running upstairs, I told the gang and Damon went upstairs to search for Kol.

''We can help you Iris, no worries'' Danika said 

''Okay, but my animal side is harder to control'' I said 

''Once we undo what Quinn did most likely you'll feel normal again'' Bonnie added

''Hey guys, something is very wrong'' Damon said as he walked downstairs with a white envelope in hand

''Where's Kol?'' I asked worriedly

''Kol is nowhere too be seen, but I found this It says it's for you'' Damon said as he handed me the white envelope

The envelope felt a little heavy something was in it, I opened iit and found a letter, I took it out and unfolded to read what it contained.

Dear Iris,

By now you must wonder why I'm not dead well simple answer I faked my death so you can go on alone and run and hide faster. By now you've found out Mr. Mikealson is missing and of course you'll want to know where your precious Original is, his with me. Iris you can have Mr. Mikealson but on one condition of course, leave New Orleans and never look back, this is my home and you've only caused trouble, but then again Iris you've aways been trouble. I still remember the years we spent on the run from the almighty Klaus, sadly he got to you and I couldn't save you I watched from a distance what happened that night, and I'm sorry. But now I tell you to leave vampires and witches have been talking about a war between you and the infamous Angelous, I'm doing all this to save you, I didn't protect you once I wont make the same mistake twice, Edwin would have wanted me to do this.

                                                                    Sincerely, Quinn

P.S. I'm sorry of I hurt you too harshly but it's for your own good

I finished reading the letter and grabed the other item in the envelope, I pulled out a necklace, a family heir loom passed on to generations. I had buried it along with my parents, I wanted to move on and start a new life and I felt that was the only way.

''So is he good or bad?'' Alaric asked

''His both, but sounds like he wants to help me in his own way'' I answered

''So his our allie'' Stefan asked

''Yes'' I said 

''Then why did he numb you and hid Caroline?"' Tyler asked

''It was all a distraction to easily take Kol right from under our noses, he numbed Iris because he knew Iris was gonna look for Caroline together and he needed them separated so he made sure Kol was vulnerable'' Elijah said as he putted the puzzle pieces together

''A very thought out plan'' Bonnie said 

''We need Kol back'' I said 

''Yes indeed we do'' Elijah said 

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