Chapter 11- Morning pub

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Daryl woke up to find himself passed out on a wooden table and bottles of booze surrounding him. He couldn't remember anything about last night. He slowly got up from the table he was passed out on and groined. "Holy shit that stings." He held the side of his head in pain from all the booze and slides off the table. He stood against it, wobbling abit but keeping his balance. By his feet laid his crossbow. He quickly picked it up and placed it back over his shoulder as it normally would be. Deadly moans of walkers came from outside.

He walked over to the window pulling back the curtains and peered out. Two walkers were bumping mindlessly into each other while another bit the second's arm. He chuckled and shook his head, "mindless bastards."

Daryl gathered all his things and equipment and headed for the back door. His hangover was slowly weakening. He looked back into the bar room as he exited the pub and slammed the door after him. Now he just had to find Beth.

(Um so i know I haven't been here for a long while. But I'm abit on writers block guys and recently got back from basic. So give me time, the chapters will be much more longer and we'll get somewhere good. Inbox me if you would like to help me co-write. Thanks
-❤ lulu)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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