{Chapter 4} "ok princess what if i just did this-"

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I picked up Beth from her collapsed position, and put her up to stand on her two legs. "Come on lets get out of here."

 Beth stood up and slipped, "ouch" she said, "I think that overweight walker sprained my leg!"

 I looked at her with disbelief, are you fucking kidding me. I thought! It seemed that Beth was always getting hurt."I'll hold you" i replied to her with care. Then i picked her up and wrapped her arm around my neck. "ok let's go now." 

 I walked toward the the front door of the small boutique with Beth's arm attached to me. From the corner of my eye I saw Beth quickly glance at me then quickly looked away. The sight of her innocence humored me, I smiled and silently chuckled to myself. We made our way down the damned hallway and to the door. With my arm around Beth she limped with a slight jiggle in her walk.   I tried to open the door but she kept slipping out of my grip. Shit I almost dropped her!

"Um, Mr.Dixon" she said quite considered,"if you keep holding me like this you're sure to drop me".

 I looked at her with unreason in my eyes." so what do you propose we do."  

 She looked around the opening near where we stood. Her eyes then landed to the corner. She pointed. " Over there, place me over there and then you can open the door."

 I looked over to the corner of the room. It seemed so damn far away! Then, an idea came across my mind, i chuckled. "ok princess what if i just did this-". I took her arm from around my neck and lifted her whole body over my shoulder. Her head dangled behind my back.

 She screamed with what seemed like a mixture of laughter, "DARYL DIXON, PUT ME DOWN!"

 "Ha-ha no can do sugar,we gotta go". I said as I opened the small boutique door and off we exited.


I hurried down the trail with Beth over my shoulder. She seemed to have been enjoying the fact of,I,carrying her. I could hear her beautiful giggles from behind me. She's just so damn attractive! I thought! Wait did I just think that way about Hershel Greene's youngest daughter!

{please comment and vote, PS I may be adding more to this chapter! c:}

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