{Chapter 6} Run

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Ok guys I just wanted to let you know Im writing this chapter in 3rd person, just for you know... trying it out. hope you like it.





Beth sat across the table from Daryl eating her cereal. Fruit Loops by choice. The awkwardness between the two of them blossomed the longer they stood in silence. Beth was starting to feel uncomfortable so she tried to break it. She cleared her breath after swallowing a spoon of her cereal." What do we do now?" she asked him directly.

Daryl looked up from his lap. He was cleaning off one of his arrows with a red stained cloth. He looked at Beth with confusion."-Do about what?" he asked clearly misunderstanding her question.

All she could think about was the kiss. What would this affect in their relationship. They've been acquaintances for about four years,and now they're suddenly dating. It was all going so fast, but she knew she wanted it; she wanted it bad.

She took another spoon of her cereal and looked at him sideways as if contemplating an answer." us" she stated blandly after she swallowed down the cereal coarsely.

He breathed out as in dismay. Honestly, he didn't know the answer. He had kissed her and he had loved it. Matter fact he was falling in love with her. But he wanted to make sure that she stayed safe; forever. Her safety meant the world to him. And he didn't know what he would do it something bad were to happen to her. He looked up again from the arrow in his lap"I don't know" he stated."I don't know".

She looked into his eyes. She just didn't understand, why! was this just his answer! they haven't even been dating for more then a couple hours, why doesn't he know she thought! why! As she thought he looked back at her as well. He wondered what she was thinking. Was it something he had said. He thought again, she still never replied to his last comment.

She stopped looking at him and turned back to eating her cereal when she was done she put the bowl in the sink. Then, she walked back over to the table where he sat. She tapped her foot against the old- creeping floors.

He looked up," what!?" he barked. His face sweated as he said this. He ran his hands through his brunette hair. He looked her again, now his eyes softened." Im sorry" he said"i want you, I do, but I don't think I can do this". He was feeling down. He thought about what happened to the other people he loved, and how when he said that he loved them the next day something bad happened. Daryl sat and thought about the people he lost his wife -Martha-, his dad, his brother. Although he wasn't partially fond of his brother, he had to admit he still missed the guy.

She edged closer to him and put her delicate hand on his left shoulder."We can do this, we just need each other and I-I need you". She rested her head over his head. He reached up and placed his hand on her head. He patted it softly. Then there was a crash in the next room followed by a moan. A couple of moans to be exact.

Beth and Daryl were startled by the commotion they heard in the next room. They stood up Beth behind Daryl and Daryl in front of Beth shielding her defense-ly.

"Run" he said to her as the sound of overlapping footsteps approached the warm room.

"I'm not going to leave you" she replied back sadly as the tears became to roll down her face. She breathed deply and put her head down, looking at her feet.

He turned around to face her, and he grabbed her fragile shoulders and shook her slightly"You run you hear me" he yelled."If I don't come back you run and don't come back-". He saw her head down and touched her chin with his hand."You'll be okay" he said "you're strong".

She whispered back to him," Ok" she said in defeat. He patted her head one last time:

"Now go!"he yelled as the walkers came drifting in. She ran, she ran hard until she reached the end of the hallway. She heard a crash from the kitchen. Was that Daryl? Is he ok? She thought

curiously. Then, she shook the thought out of her head. Daryl told her to run and leave if he did not come back sooner. She trusted him,right? She thought again. Suddenly she heard no sounds, and then small moans could be heard coming down the hall.

Beth panicked her heart beated fast. She looked for an escape route out. She smacked at every opening in the hall walls with no luck. Then finally she saw a window. Beth unlocked it very quickly and pushed up the window. She hoisted herself up and out the window, she dropped out onto her side with a thump. She held her hip tight and grumbled a faint "ahh" as the pain thickened around her waist lining.

She held onto the brick wall and slowly stood up. She had an urge to go back into the house and rescue Daryl. But she didn't, she wanted him to know she was trustworthy so she stood outside behind the old yellow house. Beth peered into the window she had just come out of, walkers still roamed around it. Then, a car came came riding behind her. The driver of the vehicle stopped the car and looked at the girl, he grinned to himself. Fresh meat! he thought to himself happily. The man parked his car a few feet behind her as quietly as he could and thankfully Beth did not her him. He came out the drivers side with a bag, he snuck up behind her and lifted the bag over her head. She screamed a muffled scream, a cry for help but the cry never came out. The kidnapper put her in the back seat of the car tied up.

Daryl shot a couple walkers in the kitchen with his crossbow. Bullseye! He thought as he hit each one square in the head. He was still thinking about Beth, he hoped she was ok. He looked around the kitchen two more walkers. The first one went down in a second and then he looked for the other one. Where the fuck did it go?! He thought then he heard moaning coming from the halls. Daryl took another arrow and placed it in his crossbow. Then, he ran out into the halls and shot the last walker that stood. "Good riddance" he blurted out in annoyance. He walked around the halls of the house, they were empty. Beth! He had forgotten about her. He remembered telling her to run and go outside to save herself. Maybe she went in the back he thought hopefully maybe she didn't really leave me. He ran out the front door and around the house to the back, just as a car speed away with Beth not in sight. He panicked and ran after the get-a-way car. "Beth! Beth"he screamed as he chased after the car. Daryl ran and ran but the car only seemed to get faster. The car got away and Daryl slowed down -at a jointed road- and sat down in frustration with his face in his hands. He had lost Beth Greene, the girl he promised he would always keep safe.



{ok guys this one should be way longer! Hope you liked it! Please comment and vote, feedback is appreciated! :)}

Oh and I have a question guys?

1.Do you like the story better in third person or first person? :)

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