{Chapter 7}- The Other Group

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As Daryl stood knelt in the intersection of the forked road, a group of hooded figures closed the distance between them. The leader of the group stood tall behind him looking down sarcastically,"howdy partner" he said "the name's Joe." He smiled deviously. He turned to his side to reveal his group "and this is my group."

Daryl turnt around from his crouched position to look at the mysterious man and his crew. He didn't like this at all. These guys looked like total douches, the outcome couldn't end well. He looked towards one of the group members, he was tall, hairy, and very loud. The group member looked at Daryl square in the eyes. Then looked at his leader,"I don't think he can talk Joe" he chuckled. After, hearing this dumbfounded statement Daryl cuffed to himself. The member chuckled for a second time,"isn't that a nice crossbow you got there, lad?" The man walked towards Daryl in spite of touching the crossbow. Daryl tensed. He turned around real fast and grabbed the man by his collar.

"Don't you touch my crossbow!" Daryl barked. The other members of the group, along with the leader Joe put up their weapons and pointed them directly at Daryl. Joe spoke.

"Put the crossbow down!" he said. The man that Daryl had by the collar laughed.

"Just shoot him, Joe, shoot that mother fucker!" Joe stood there with his pistol directly towards Daryl's back. He shook his head.

"No need here comes a biter" he pointed his pistol in the left, the direction in which the biter was coming from. He turned back to face Daryl, "Now you let him go and we'll let you live, hell, maybe let you be part of the group." He lowered the gun and put his hands on his hips while the other group members stood their guard. "Your choice" he said. Daryl thought to himself for a moment while all the members of Joe's crew stood strongly around him. He couldn't die yet, not yet, he still needed to find Beth. He decided to go with the violent group of men. He loosed his grip around the man's collar. The man exhaled happily and nodded towards Joe. Joe nodded back and slowly walked towards Daryl and shook his hand. "Welcome to the crew partner". He patted Daryl on the back. Then he looked back to the man who was quite tall. A stern face went up upon his face. "Now, Clayton why don't you congratulate our new member."


Rick stood on a verge of anger and grief as he walked the dirty roads with Michonne and his son Carl. Sadly he had lost the rest of his group during the Governor's attack. Not to mention, during the attack he had lost his only second born child from Lori; Judith. That's where the full grief and anger comes in. When he lost his wife he promised to himself that he would protect their children from all cost! But just a couple of weeks ago he broke that promise. He just couldn't bear the fact that his newborn daughter was somewhere lost in god knows where and he couldn't to do anything to help it, he was going to find her no matter what it took. He nodded his head gleefully with the idea. Yeah he thought I'm going to find her even if it kills me.

Carl turned to glance at his dad. What's wrong with him, Carl thought. He looked as if he was thinking about something very suspiciously. Michonne walked slowly beside him. As if she could tell Carl's concern she nudged him in the side. "Go talk to him", she whispered. Carl nodded, he wanted to talk to his father about what happened back at the prison. He keep walking following his dad with Michonne still trotting behind.

"Hey dad", Carl shouted. He ran to catch up with his suspicious looking father. Rick turned slightly to face his son.

"Yeah, Carl."

"I wanted to talk to you about something..." he asked his voice drifting from uneasiness in his step.

He nodded lightly. "what about?", he asked his son clearly confused by the reason their conversation had started.

Carl inhaled then spoke. " I wanted to ask about... What happened at prison. Was it really necessary?" He thought to himself, he hoped his father had a good answer to his question. The real question that came to mind was, 'why did they have to split up? And also what would happen to Beth and Maggie now that their father Hershel was gone. The answers he didn't know. He looked back up at his father expecting-ly.

His father looked as if he had just seen a ghost. His face was white with grief, the thought, of what happened at the prison.

"Dad?" he asked again.

Rick gulped his air. But did not say a word for a long while. Then he turned to look back at his son. "Carl", he said with words that seemed quite harsh. "I don't want to talk about this".

 Carl rolled his eyes in annoyance." oh come on dad" she shouted "why not just tell me how you feel about the situation! Tell me something! You never just speak out and say the shit that comes to your mind!"

Michonne looked at Carl with a look of displeasure. Rick snapped from the position he was standing and walked ahead. "You know your momma wouldn't want you cussing like that, when you learn some real manners you can ask that question again!" With that Rick kept walking, with Michonne and Carl sadly trotting behind.

{lol hey guys lee lee here. So I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it took so long I've been busy. But anyway, please give some feedback and I'll be forever grateful! - love lee lee xxx}

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