{Chapter 5}-"...More then a Protector"

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When the walker hurt me, making me sprain my leg the pain was almost unbearable. It seemed like a surprise to me that Daryl would have offered to carry me. He usually never seems to care about anything-strange. Anyway as we made it to the small boutique door ,I seemed to have been slipping from Daryl's grasp. He tried to keep opening the door but failed to, making me slip continuously. Finally, I got tired of this foolish act if he keeps doing this I will fall. "Mr. Dixon" I said" if you keep doing this im bound to fall".

He looked at me as if amused by my comment," then what do you propose we do?" he said.

I thought about this carefully, what to do? What to do? Then my eyes came to the corner of the room. There sat a one- seated couch. I looked at the corner and pointed in the direction. "over there, place me over there and you can open the door" I said assuredly.

Then, I heard Daryl chuckle to himself. "well ok princess but what I if I did this-". And he took my arm from his neck and dumped me over his shoulder. My head shook against his hard back.

"DARYL DIXON PUT ME DOWN NOW!" I screamed. But, as I said this to Daryl I began chuckle to myself. Daryl Dixon, the Daryl Dixon! The guy who never cared about anyone, and shot up walkers as if fun, was holding me; and nobody had ever held me that way before. As he held me his hands slowly went up and down my back, i shivered. I was starting to like him more then a protector and that was not good. I know as well as anybody that Daddy wouldn't like it. [ I know Beth has had previous boyfriends but I wanted to change it up from the actual show- Leelee]

After, Daryl had got the door open we headed down the thin trail. I could see nobody was around- as always, and it seemed as if it was just becoming morning. My stomach grumbled. Grrrrr.

"What thur hell was that?!", Daryl barked. He had just passed a log and placed me on it to rest. I put my hand on my stomach and put my puppy dog face on:

"I haven't eaten in days, I'm hungry".

"Well neither have I princess and I don't recall what happened the last time when I cooked you snake". I laughed that day was the worst day of my life! Daryl had butchered a snake for dinner and once I took a bit of it, I had spit it out all over his face. The taste of the snake was so revolting that I my stomach hurt for hours just because of it! I complained the whole day; and Daryl promised that he'd never cook me a wold animal again. So since then Daryl and I have have just been scavenging abandoned homes, stores and places that hold ANY type of food. I was daydreaming... and then I turned around to find Daryl smirking at me.

"What's so funny?" I said quite confused. He looked at me:

"It's just that I never thought a girl like you could live in a world like this, with a guy like me."

"Why do you mean by that?" I asked curiously putting a blonde stray of hair behind my left ear.

"You're too nice and the world is just too terrible for a beautiful girl like you."
AWWW,I blushed.

"I'm glad you think that way of me, Daryl, I really do. You're not so bad your self!" I said making my way to the log where he sat-my leg feeling better- sitting right next to him. He touched my leg.

"Beth, I won lie, I don't want anything to happen to you". I looked him in the eyes:

"I don't want anything to happen to you either DD you're a great guy and you're a great friend" I said "You keep me safe when nobody else can". Now he reach for my hands. I breathed deeply, hyperventilating.

"No" he said" I want to be more then that". I panicked my eyes bulged. And then his soft pink lips touched mine. Our lips fought together, thick and through. Minutes later, we broke apart, and looked in each others eyes.

"I accept your offer" I said proudly. And then we continued kissing.





We walked into the cottage. It was a very cute cottage, as I might add. It was yellow and very petite. The walls were covered in flowers and the house was completely empty. We walked do the halls.

"You were hungry, right?" Daryl asked as we passed the kitchen entrance.

"Um, yeah, yeah" I said still remembering what had just happened hours before. I tried to shake the memory away but all I could think of were those soft pink lips against mine.

He walked into the kitchen and searched the cabinets. "How bout this?" He said showing me a box of Fruit Loops.

I nodded my head in approval. I loved Fruit Loops, as a kid Daddy used to give me it everyday. I ate it everyday and every afternoon as snack. The flavors mesmerized me.

I made my way to the table as he poured out the cereal into a bowl. "Milk?" he said.

"Yes please", I replied back and he poured the milk into the bowl as well."Thanks" I said as he gave me the spoon and then sat across the table from me. And then we sat in silence as I ate.





{Hey lovelies, vote and comment. I tried to make this one longer and I hope you guys loved it, if not ok I'll try to do better. Thanks again. And please check out my book 'Breaking the Last Straw' :)}


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