Chapter 9 -Fighting More Walkers

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Daryl sighed as he waited outside the abandoned shed. Joe and his group had went inside the shed to look for tools, and food. Simple things such as that. Joe had asked Daryl if he would like to join them but Daryl had refused he said that he would hold down tee fort and look out for walkers.

  He sat down in the small steps of the shred. His hands were in his tangled brunette hair. It had got longer during the last few weeks so as his hand dangled around in hair a few loose strands from the side crossed over his face and into his eyes.

   There was a cold gust of wind outside where he sat. He'd been waiting outside for a long time. How long he'd been outside Daryl didn't know, he hadn't a watch to tell the time. But he could tell it was getting late the sun was already going down. It was getting darker too.

   The wind blew leaves all around him. He looked up with sad eyes. Daryl had been thinking about Beth.  He was still very upset about losing her back at the house when the walkers had gotten through.

   Daryl stood up from the steps and looked around and into the distant.  He had started to hear some moaning sounds and screaming. He looked around again but not seeing any walkers around anywhere. He walked up the stairs of the shed and placed his right ear on the door of the shed. The moaning was louder there. Daryl opened the door slowly and took one step in. His heart was beating ten times the normal average. He looked around and at the corner of the room he began to see the outlining of a body.

     "Joe?" Daryl asked hoping that that body was Joe's and not a walkers.  The body was hunched over something.  The body turned around and snarled. The snarling sounded somewhat like the moans that he had heard outside. But the screaming was over. He looked pass the walker to see the face of the victim it was hunched over before moments before.

    A disfigured face identical to someone he knew. It was Joe. A pit rised in his stomach. If Joe was here,  dead, then where was the rest of the group. A mingle of moaning snarls interrupted his thoughts.  He turned around fast. His hypothesis had been confirmed.

    "Shit" Daryl yelled to himself as he stared at what was ahead.

   The rest of Joe's group members now walkers moaned to him. They began to step forward. Daryl quickly took his crossbow from his back and began to spin in a circle.  He closed his right eye and aimed at the walker above of Joe. It went down momentarily having been shot square in the forehead.  The group moaned again. Daryl spun and looked at the 2 walkers.  Quickly and effortlessly he shot them both down. To feel a deformed hand on his shoulder.  He spun quicker than one should and smacked the walker in the face. It fell to the ground and moaned and tried to get up. Daryl aimed at the walkers forehead.  Then there was silence. He quickly took out his arrows from the dead walkers and stuffed it in his bag. It was dark before he had left the shed,  strong but utterly lonesome.

-Hope you all love this.  They'll be more chapters, I promise.  I've just been somewhat busy with things... but yeah anyways hoped you loved this chapter.  Comment,  vote,  anything lol I love feedback.                                                    - Love, Aly (Lee Lee)   <3

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