{chapter 3}"Well it hurts like a Bitch"

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[Ok, I would just like take this time to welcome and thank my amazing co-writer @larry-duhh for writing this amazing chapter. Good job girl! c: Oh and please check out her profile after reading this chapter, possibly even follow? Hmm well anyway hope you guys like this chapter and thanks again to @larry-duhh for writing this chapter! :) *claps and applause]






Beth kept glancing at me and honestly it was pissing me off. We were heading towards town, beth wouldn't stop nagging me on how she stunk and needed new clothes. I saw her glance at me again in the corner of my eye. I snapped.

"Why the fuck do you keep looking at me?!" I shouted.

"Sorry, I didn't know looking at a person was a crime" she muttered. Rubbing her arm.

"Whatever" I grumbled. I did not need this shit right now. We were about a good hour away from town. Judging by the sun it was about 3:00.

Beth stopped and sat down against the tree, tears steaming down her face. I almost wanted to comfort her but she was just a bitch getting in my way.

"Get up" I simply stated. No emotion in my voice. She opened her mouth to stay something but shut it.

She got up and got but immediately fell to the ground. I looked over to see she got her foot stuck between the roots of the tree she was leaning against.


"Come on." I grunted as I tried getting her foot out. I managed pry it out. She whimpered.

"Lucky for you it isn't broken, hell it isn't sprained."

"Well it hurts like a bitch"

"It'll get better soon." I offered her a hand. She got up and started walking with a slight limp. She looked at me with pleading eyes which I ignored.


We reached town and Beth's foot had started to feel better.

Beth ran, well wobbled to the small boutique. This should be fun. Not.

I walked in the door seeing Beth looking through some shirts. She grabbed a yellow one that in my opinion was god ugly. She moved to the other room and changed.

Beth came out and spun around. I shook my head. But couldn't help a smile form at my lips.

I heard a small moaning noise. Great. More walkers.

I nodded my head signaling for her to stay put.

I stalked down the hall to see a walker at the end. I aimed my crossbow at his head and shot it killing it instantly.

I pulled the arrow out of its head and heard a hear piercing scream.

I ran into the shop to see a walker on top of her. I aimed and shot, again killing it quickly.

I bent down and pulled the walker off of her. She had blood all over her shirt.

"Come on, lets get out of here"

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