Chapter 8 ~"You"

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Beth sat in the dark smelly room. She did not know where she was for the fact that her face was covered with some sort of bag. She had been sitting on the cold tiled ground for minutes now, and finally as her mouth began to parch she heard the taps of heavy feet. She moaned and wimpered completely scared out of her wits. "Who is there?"

The tapping continued but still the mysterious kidnapper remained silent. She asked again more loudly than before, "I said who is there?" She boosted. The mysterious kidnapper chuckled. From what she had heard she believed the kidnapper was a guy. She twisted and turned still not able to see anything from under the bag. But she could hear the heavy footsteps getting closer and closer until finally it stopped, right in front of her. Before she could do anything the bag came up and over her head and the light of a flashlight beamed into her eyes. The light then slowly trailed down to the tiled floor so that she could see his face. "You" she snarled. The handsome man grinned, so she hadn't forgotten him after all.

{Hey y'all its LeeLee or Aly, call me what you will. I apologize for the lack of updating this story. I know this chapter is short but the next one or next few chapters will be a lot longer. Oh and please comment I love feedback and I'll be forever grateful. :) ~ LeeLee}

{Oh and P.S have a Merry Christmas, Kwanza, and Hanukkah. Love you all ☺}

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