Chapter 1 Continued...

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{sorry guys but my last chapter didn't fully sync in so I have to post the rest of the chapter here. Please enjoy ha-ha.}

•Daryl's POV

She looked at me again with content fear in her eyes, "we will find the others won't we?" Not this shit again I thought! She had been asking me since the day we left the prison. My answer to her would always be no, and they probably didn't make it anyway! I lost my faith in hope years ago when this god forsaken bullshit started!

"Hell no", I replied with quite seriousness. She looked at me as we walked around the trees and she watched as I put up my bow and arrow up to track our dinner for tonight. As we walked around I could feel the sadness and tension coming from her body; then she spoke.

"Nothing is impossible. My daddy told me that as long as you have faith in yourself and others good things happen. They could be alive. We just have to believe." Wow! that was some deep shit, I thought feverishly and as I thought she looked at me--waiting-- just waiting for a reply,that never came.


We never found our dinner for tonight and it was starting to get dark outside. So we looked for a good place to rest. Walkers were out and about wherever we went. Until we ventured deep into the lifeless trees, to a spot that somewhat reminded me of a camp site. I decided that this was a good place to stay for the night so I stopped and looked around the premises. Beth stood by the sitting log and waited for my return.

A couple of minutes later I approached her. " The place is secure" I said, "lets stay here for the night then search out."

She looked up at me sadly," ok" she said. She didn't seem ok to me. I wanted to ask her if it had something to do with her father and his death. But, I didn't want to get into any of that mess at the moment. I was fucking restless!

"Who's taking guard duty tonight?,I said hopefully that it wouldn't be me.

"I will, um, you can just get some sleep", she said. With that I went on my merry way.

I layed against a thick old tree. "Goodnight", I said restlessly.

"Goodnight" said Beth back. Then, I drifted off to slumber.

{So here it is guys! Like OMG! lol anyway hope you liked it! Sorry that its so short but yeah the next one shall be longer. :) oh and please give me some good feedback in return. I will be forever grateful! ~Lee Lee}

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