Papa Newt

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 A/N: The reader is young in this, like 1 or 2

Newt had always wrestled with his feelings about whoever stuck him in the glade. He used to think that maybe he did something to deserve the glade. He thought that maybe everyone in the glade deserved to be there somehow. But the day you arrived he knew he was wrong.

Chuck had arrived a few days ago so they weren't scheduled for another arrival for a while so when they heard the alarm everyone rushed towards the box. And what they saw shocked them all. Newt's stomach turned to knots when he saw you laying in the box. The maze was too tough for a girl, let alone a baby girl. Newt looked down at your small body as you climbed over some of the supplies in the box. You couldn't be older than two, he thought. And there was no way in hell you did something to deserve to be in the maze.

After the shock began to wear off, Alby stepped down into the box and picked you up. It was clear you didn't trust him because you started to cry instantly. Alby quickly passed you off to Chuck.

"Well, looks like we found your job."

"How am I supposed to take care of a baby?"

You were squirming in Chuck's arms as he held you out, clearly puzzled by the whole situation. He kept his arms fully extended away from his body as if he was afraid of you. You were crying louder than ever and he attempted to bounce you softly to calm you but it wasn't working.

Newt couldn't stand the site of your crying face anymore and he gently took you from Chuck's body. He cradled your body close to his chest and hummed a tone he barely recognized. Instantly, you stopped crying.

"I think she likes you, Newt."

Alby laughed as he spoke and you smiled back at him. Everyone started to laugh and smile. The maze was a rough place to live and they didn't have many reasons to enjoy life but you brought that relief.

"I'll help Chuck look after her today. Just to teach him how to take care of a baby."

Newt pretended to act reasonable about the situation but really he just wanted to hold you all day. Newt often had dreams about a little girl. He sometimes had foggy memories of a little sister and you reminded him of her. You were the closest thing to family Newt could hold and so he hung onto you tightly all day.

When the other gladers walked past the three of you, he would pretend to be giving Chuck instructions about caring for you but once they passed he would go back to playing peek-a-boo with you.

Days went by and everyone just let Newt stay with you. You would be passed around during the free hours of the day, bringing joy to the other gladers but you always liked returning to Newt. Gally liked to give Newt a hard time about taking care of you and tonight was no different. Newt was bouncing you on his knee and Gally came up and sat next to the two of you.

"I never knew we had a mother in our glade but, Newt, you sure are a true mother hen."

"Stop being such a slinthead. If anything I would be her father."

"Whatever you say, Papa."

Gally joked and punched Newt in the shoulder.

Newt was about to say something back when you started laughing.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!"

Newt's eyes went large and Gally's jaw dropped as you spoke your first words.

"Did you hear that! She called me Papa!"

Newt was smiling ear-to-ear as he hugged you tightly. You were just what he needed to have hope again.

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