It's Always My Fault Pt. 2

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You stopped crying immediately as you heard the grieved slowly approached to you and Newt, swaying its tail and walking with its metallic arms and legs.
You were terrified, that was the first time you've heard of griever's sound. You felt Newt tightened his grip on you and slowly loosen it.
"Y/N, run when I tell you to do so." He whispered to you and looked at you for a while. He gave you a sad smile before he said, "I really care for you. Don't ever forget that."
"And it's not your fault if one of us died, it's my fault. Y/N, if I can't make it out of here, just remember, I care for you, I love you. You won't be alone anymore." He pecked your forehead softly and stared at the corridor.
Slowly, both of you stood up and stared at the corridor where the griever's sound came from. Newt slowly let go of you and shouted, "Go!"
You ran away from the corridor, didn't even bothered to turn your head to look at the griever. You were running aimlessly in the maze, there's only one thing you know right now.
You have to make it out of the maze, to the glade, to Newt. You can't believe he said that to you. You thought he was lying, he was just feeling guilty and wanted to make it up to you so he said he love you. But still, your mind was repeating his words again and again while you were running.
'I really care for you.' You turned left. 'Don't ever forget that.' You kept on running with every energy you have. 'And its not your fault if one of us died,' tear slowly stream down from your face. 'Its my fault.'
You shook your head at his words. "No, its not your fault..." you whispered, if only he can hear you. If only you know he was safe or not. 'if I can't make it out of here, just remember, I care for you, I love you' the words kept repeating in your mind. 'I love you' he said he love you.
'You won't be alone anymore' you shook your head as more tears stream down from your cheeks. "What if you can't make it out of here with me?" You asked while you sprinted. "Tell me! What if you can't make it out of here!? What if I died..." you said as you kept running in the maze, your head recalling every time he'd shout at you, every time he'd roll his eyes at you.
You never thought you will miss his voice so much. You've always hated his accent that's hard for you to understand but now, you missed him, even his accent. 'Why?' You asked yourself. Why do you miss him so much? Is it because both of you might not see each other tomorrow the next day? Is it because he told you he love you? You had no idea.
He was trying to outrun the griever who was chasing him. It hurts, he still had to run even when his limp was hurting him badly. But he didn't want to give up. He wanted to see you at the South door, waiting for it to open. He wanted to return to the glade with you in the morning.
He regretted being so rude to you in the glade. He wanted to find you, he wanted to make sure you're safe. He was busy thinking of you that he didn't notice that a griever was behind him, chasing him quietly.
He frowned when he reached the corridor's end. He turned around and saw the grieved behind him. The griever grabbed him and threw him to the wall. His head hit the cold hard wall and his mind went blurry. He fell to the ground, the last thing he saw was the griever and the last thing he said was your name. "Y/N..."
You felt some strange attraction pulling you to your left corridor. Without hesitating, you sprint towards there and saw a griever. When you were about to run away from it, you saw Newt laying on the ground, unconscious. The griever raised its tail and was going to pierce it into his body but stopped when it heard you screaming.
"DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" It changed its target to you and started to chase you. You bit your lips and ran away, the griever following you. You climbed up to the walls that are slightly lower than the main walls and ran away from it. You jumped down from the wall and turned your head. The griever didn't caught up to you so you ran back towards Newt cautiously.
"Newt," you whispered as you kneel down beside him. You placed your eat on his chest and sighed in relief when you heard his heartbeat.
"I'm getting you out of here, okay?" You said although you knew he won't be able to hear it. You took his arm and wrapped it around you. You looked around the maze and sighed, you didn't even know if you can find the way back to the glade or not.
You walked around in the maze for a long time, stopping each time you heard a griever and find some where to hide. Luckily, they didn't found you every time. You'd feel extremely relief when they walk past you, not noticing you.
The sky turned brighter and you were still stuck in the maze but there was one thing you knew for sure and that is all the grievers had went away. You were tired and you can't walk anymore. You sat down on the ground and decided to rest for a while.
You checked Newt's heart beat and frowned. He can't last long if he didn't get back to the med jacks. You stood up and was about to carry him but you saw someone running at the other corridor.
"Minho!" You screamed and he turned his head to you immediately, his eyes widened and he ran towards you.
"Help him!" You said and he nodded. As you were on the way back to the glade, he asked you.
"What happened?" You sighed and replied.
"He must've been attacked by a griever. I found him and carried him around the maze." He nodded and kept going.
You collapsed when you step into the glade. You closed your eyes, too tired to open them again so you went to sleep.
You woke up and found yourself in the med Jack hut. You can't move, probably because your muscle were too tired. You turned your head and saw Newt laying on the bed beside you. It was then Jeff came in.
"Y/N, you're awake!" He said and ran out, calling for the others. Clint went into the room later and examined you.
"You're fine now." He said.
"What about Newt?" You asked him while looking at Newt.
"I don't know. Chances for him to wake up is tiny but, he still has a chance to wake up." He said and glanced at Newt. Alby, Gally and Minho came into the room and looked at you. It was Gally who broke the silence.
"Are you crazy?" He said and crossed his arms. You stayed silence and looked at them.
"Why would you run into the maze? You know it's against the rules." Alby asked you and you glared at them.
"Why? And you still ask me why?" You laughed dryly. "You are the reason why I'm in the maze, all of you!" You closed your eyes, trying to calm down.
"If only all of you would listen to me or stop being so mean around me, maybe I won't go from the first place." You said and stared at Newt. You used to hate him so much but now you were worried for him. Carmen went into the hut and grinned at you.
"Alby, she broke the rules!" She said. "She went into the maze when we shouldn't have do that!" Alby sighed and looked at you. Just as he was about to say something, Newt groaned and opened his eyes slowly.
"Newt" you whispered and looked at him. He turned his head and his eyes met yours. He smiled slightly, seeing you alive and stared at him.
"Y/N," he said, his eyes never leave yours. Minho whispered something to alby and said to both of you,
"We should give both of you some time alone." Carmen frowned at him.
"Can I stay? I'm worried of Newt." Alby shook his head and told her to go out with them.
"Call for us if anything happens." Jeff said before he left.
Soon, the room was just you and Newt. Slowly, you moved your body and walked towards Newt. You placed your hand on his hand.
"Hey." He said and you smiled.
"Hi" both of you stared at each other and you asked him.
"Is it true that me?" You asked him and he nodded.
"Of course I do. Its's hard to realize that I love you when I thought I didn't." You smiled at him and rested your head on his bed.
"I don't know anything about love. But I know I care for you, too" he smiled softly and exhaled.
"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N" he said, feeling awful as he thought of the way he treated you before. He made you feel so depressed, he was sure he won't be surprised of you didn't want to forgive him.
"It's...fine" you said, he looked at you and shook his head.
"No, it's not." You sighed and looked out the window.
"Maybe you're right, its not fine at all." You paused. "But it will be fine after you fix me." You gave him a small smile which he returned the same.
"I will anything to fix you."

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