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Everything felt like a distant dream. The Maze, Newt, finding our way out of the Glade...
And after all we went through in the Scorch my brain felt swamped out with thoughts, memories and terrible images. Grievers, The Changing, the terrifying Maze...
But we had finally gotten out. We were free. Finally!
The only good thing about that place were my friends Minho, Tommy, Frypan and everyone. And my boyfriend Newt.
As we walked, we found ourselves in some short of warehouse with very poor lighting. I forced my eyesight to see in the semi darkness as my eyes adjusted.
I didn't want to step away from Newt.
There he was. Some minor wounds on his collarbone and his face. His skin covered in sweat and dirt. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense out of everything. But his presence reassured me as always.
A tall lanky man wearing a white suit came in of a sudden and approached us, still keeping the distance.
"Who the shuck are you?" I heard Minho's voice somewhere to my left.
I looked in that direction and I saw him stomping towards the thin man. That didn't look like such a good idea...
"Minho, wait!" I exclaimed, and just when he was getting closer, he fell to the floor.
I ran to help him.
It looked like he had hit an invisible wall. But at least it looked like he was okay.
"Argh, son of a shuck!" Minho rubbed his forehead and groaned in pain and frustration.
Newt was beside him too, helping Minho up.
I noticed Tommy examined the air before him, in that exact spot where Minho had fallen.
"There's something here" Tommy mumbled, hitting his hands against the invisible barrier.
The man snickered at us and cleared his throat as he took a step forward.
"The Maze trials are over. It's time to begin phase two" He announced as everyone was dead silent.
There was an eerie feeling surrounding us, suffocating us. Something felt really wrong.
I looked at Newt. I could see the terror in his eyes when he realized we weren't free. And we might never be.
"What?!" Minho exclaimed, making us all turn our heads to him. "What the shuck does that mean, Rat Man?!"
I looked back at the man, and I nodded to myself as the nickname suited him perfectly. Not only did he look like a rat, but I despised him as one.
"We're studying your brains, which seem to be special since they're immune to the virus that is isolating the world. A deadly virus caused by the solar explosions, called the Flare" Rat Man explained briefly, calmly but smirking. As if he enjoyed the moment.
Newt gulped and looked at me gravely.
I frowned and took his hand to show him in a silent gesture that I was there with him. That I would always be.
He briefly lifted the corner of his lips and intertwined his fingers with mine in a firm grip.
Then WICKED proceeded to throw us into the Scorch for phase two. We weren't free at all.
The Scorch was an enormous deserted city that had been destroyed by the situation that Rat Man explained before. The world was succumbing under the sun flares, and the result was the scorching sun heating the path before us and making it almost impossible to breathe.
I never thought I said this, buy being in the scorch made me miss the Glade. At least we were safe in the Glade if we didn't come into the Maze. At least we felt protected.
But everything in the Scorchc felt so cruel and deadly. The Cranks, the dessert, the hunger, the heat, the thirst, the exhaustion, the overwhelming desire to give up.
Still, we managed. We lost some friends along the way, and it came a point where I could not go on my own any longer and Newt had to help me walk because I was too weak to do so on my own. However, we went through the Scorch.
My brain was swamped with thoughts, memories and terrible images. Minho getting hit by lightning, Tommy getting shot and being taken, Winston suffering in that tunnel as his terrified screams filled the whole pace and echoed through it.
And then we arrived at the safe haven.
I was out of breath and covered in sweat. I was dizzy, weak, exhausted and probably dehydrated. But again, we made it. We survived the Scorch.
Many Gladers had already walked into the warehouse at the end of the Scorch. I had seen Minho, Tommy, Frypan and... wait, where was Newt?
I looked behind me, and there he was. His limp didn't allow him to be as fast as he used to be.
"Go, Y/N!" He exclaimed as he rushed to follow my lead.
Once we were inside, we stopped to catch our breaths.
"That's all?" Newt mumbled as he looked around the place. "There's gotta be more of us. It can't bloody be"
Newt took my hand and took me further inside the warehouse, where Frypan was sitting in the floor looking exhausted. Then he let go of me and I sat next to Fry.
"Stay here" My boyfriend simply said. Then he glanced at Frypan. "Please, don't let her come"
"What?!" I exclaimed, but Frypan had already wrapped his arms around my waist.
Newt started to run, even with his limp.
I knew him enough to realize he was going back for the rest. He was going back into the Scorch even if he was exhausted and at the verge of collapsing.
"Newt, no! Come back, please!" I desesperatedly wriggled in Fry's grip, but it was no use.
I saw Newt's figure disappearing through the entrance of the warehouse. And I knew I would never see him again.
Every move I made ached. Every step I took felt like it would be the last one.
Luckily, Tommy and Minho had let me support myself by linking my arms with theirs as I wouldn't be able to walk through the immense warehouse without their help.
"Dude, that was some crazy klunk" Minho muttered, looking at Tommy.
They barely spoke to me anymore. After fifteen minutes of walking and not managing to get a single word out of me, they gave up on trying to make me talk. But I didn't want to talk. Newt was gone.
"I hope we find the exit soon" Tommy nodded in response at his friend's comment.
I didn't care anymore. I was sore from walking. My mouth felt dry. I was tired. Hungry. Thirsty. Light headed. Fed up. Every single inch of my body was in pain. And Newt was gone.
Besides, that dark warehouse had an intense eerie feeling about it. And I hated it. It felt like everything was eerie ever since we escaped through the Maze.
We still were trapped, just in a different way as we were in the Maze. WICKED would never set us free. And Newt had died in the Scorch anyway.
My mind was still exhausted, but it remained awake as my body decided it had taken enough abuse.
I wobbled and my legs gave in under my own weight. If it weren't for Minho and Tommy, I would have fallen heavily to the floor and probably hit my head against it while I was at it.
Even if I was both mentally and physically at the end of my rope, I knew that if I gave up it'd be over. I guess I just gave up anyway.
"Y/N?" They both asked me at the same time as they carefully layed me in the dirty hard ground.
My instinct told me that I still had to fight and stay awake as I listened to them calling for me and felt them shaking me. But I was just too tired to comply.
I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. My head hurted something badly, and I was just so exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep. Sleep for a really long time.
I barely felt how they got hold of my arms and lifted me enough to sit me up and lean me against a wall.
What?! No way, it couldn't be Newt. Minho was just playing with me.
"What the bloody hell happened to her?!" That was his voice! It was him!
I tried to open my eyes and see for myself. See him again. But I was so tired....
Tommy was gently hitting my cheeks, and I fought to wake up as he helped me. Because I knew Newt had made it back from the Scorch yet again.
"Y/N, love" Newt's voice sounded closer, and I felt the unmistakable touch of his soft hands brushing my hair off my face. "Y/N?"
"Is she dead?" Minho asked in concern.
I wanted to speak, tell them that I was okay. But I had no strength to even open my eyes. To move an inch to let them know I could hear them.
"No! Don't be so bloody stupid!" Newt said, concerned and angry.
"She must have collapsed" Tommy told him. "I think she's just exhausted and dehydrated"
"Aren't we all" Minho said as he exhaled deeply.
"She's breathing" Tommy announced, ignoring Minho's comment.
One of them picked up my hand and put two fingers against the inside of my wrist.
"I think she will be fine" Tommy mumbled.
"I sure bloody hope so"
There was a moment of silence in which I pictured them changing preocupied glances.
"Y/N" Newt insisted sternly, holding my face with his hands. "It's me, Newt. Newtie"
He hated when I called him Newtie. He would stop talking to me whenever I called him Newtie. He hated that nickname with a passion.
Minho and Tommy didn't say another word. I still felt their presence there, though.
"Come on, just... call me Newtie"
I groaned and managed to turn my head to the other side, until my cheek rested against my shoulder.
I heard them exhale in astonishment and relief.
Making an incredible effort, I opened my eyes. I felt heavy and clumsy, feverish and slow.
But I was awake, and they were there with me. He was there with me.
Newt's face was distorted by the concern, his brown eyes drowned in worry. But he smiled at me, and that made me feel slightly better.
"Newtie" I tiredly said, trying to smile at him as well.
He happily laughed as he left a tender kiss on my lips.
"Stay awake, love" Newt panted as he slid an arm under my legs and the other around my waist. He tried to lift me up, but he was just as exhausted.
"You shank" Minho muttered, doing it himself instead and lifting me up in his arms with a grunt.
"Let's go" Tommy encouraged us as he took the lead.
Despite looking terrible, they still loked happy. Happy to see I was still alive.
Newt took my hand and held it tight as Minho carried me.
Before long, my head had fallen on Minho's shoulder and I passed out again.
When I woke up, I wondered if I had fallen asleep or fainted.
Either way, I was feeling much better. And I was still holding Newt's hand, his touch helping me feel steadier.
As I took notice of my surroundings, I felt myself bouncing up and down as my head still rested against something soft, firm and alive. Minho.
I squeezed Newt's hands a little while I tried to sober up.
People were talking. I recognized Newt's voice, but also Frypan's and Tommy's.
Minho was breathing heavily. I didn't know how long he carried me for, but he must be really tired and fed up with me.
"Water" I heard Minho panting, and I was passed over to someone else's arms.
Someone who sounded a lot like Newt grunted in effort as he adjusted my frame against his chest.
I tried to call him, but my throat was so dry it hurt.
He carried me off somewhere and sat me down. Then, something cold and refreshing hit my face.
I opened my eyes, wide awake.
"Welcome back, love" Newt smiled at me.
I feebly groaned and closed my eyes again. The sudden stream of energy left as quick as it came.
I felt as exhausted and hot as ever.
"We're safe, love" Newt sweetly said as he sat next to me.
I noticed my chest going up and down heavily as I was so exhausted that even breathing felt like a hard task. But Newt's words encouraged me.
"Great" I weakly smiled. "I'm all bloody inspired"
When he realized I had literally quoted him as that was the thing he said just before we exited the Maze, he chuckled.
I needed to be closer to him, so I layed my head on his collarbone.
Feeling tiny and defenseless like a little baby, I groaned again. I didn't even have the strength to scoot closer to him.
However, Newt noticed what I needed and snaked an arm around my waist. Obviously equally tired and strenghtless, he grunted as he pulled me closer to him.
"Is everyone okay? Tommy, Minho, Frypan..." I whispered as I felt myself giving in to the exhaustion.
"Yeah, we're all okay" Newt left a kiss on my head and sighed as he lied his own head on mine. "We just need to rest"
"Y/N!" Minho sounded excited, almost like the old Minho I knew from the Maze. Almost as if he was finally winning the fight against the tiredness.
I lazily opened my eyes to look at him.
The stupid threw something at me. Needless to say, my reflexes were pretty much asleep and I didn't even bother to hold my hands up and attempt to catch it.
Newt slightly chuckled at Minho's goofiness.
"It's water, shuck face!" Our friend was himself again, that was for sure.
He picked it up from the floor and gave it to us. It was a canteen filled to the tops with water.
I had no idea where they got the water from, but I didn't care.
My mouth was so dry that I was surprised I could still talk and gulp.
In one shuck go, I drank the whole thing.
Minho tiredly rolled his eyes as he went to fill it again and hand it to Newt.
He must have drunk before, because he only had two sips of it.
Now that I was hydrated again, I felt mighty better. All I needed to do now was eat. But first sleep a little.
I layed my head back on Newt's shoulder and sighed.
The voices of the Gladers could be heard all over the place. Where were we again?
I looked around to find myself in an abandoned city. Mostly destroyed and empty of people except for us. I thought about the Cranks we had encountered before, but I was sure that Newt and everyone wouldn't be calmly chatting and sitting around if they weren't sure we were safe.
It seemed like we were the only survivors. Tommy, Newt, Minho, Teresa, Clint, Frypan and me. We lost so many friends along the way. All because of WICKED.
I felt sad remembering Alby and Chuck and everyone. And I didn't have to ask Newt if he missed Alby or Tommy if he missed Chuck to know they did as well. Everyone missed our friends.
"Newtie" I whispered, closing my eyes as I sensed the weight of his head softly falling over mine.
"Hm?" Was all he answered in a sleepy voice.
"We're free" I managed to say, a lump forming in my throat as I couldn't believe my own words were true. We were free.
"I know, love" Newt sighed happily. "I know"
I smiled for the first time in forever. Frypan and Minho were arguing about food as Minho yelled that he was right for a change.
Tommy, surprisingly, was laughing at the sight.
Teresa was trying to catch 'Tom's' attention as she happily called his name over and over. Excitedly.
I leaned my head up to use the final strengths I had before I fell asleep to leave a kiss on Newt's neck. I didn't care he was all dirty and sweaty, he was still my Newt.
I heard him smiling as I nuzzled my nose in his neck.
Just as Newt reached out to hold my hand, I fell asleep.

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