Jade Mountain Academy

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I am just saying that this chapter sucks, so skip to the end of this one and move to the second!


Flying flying, and more flying. Winter thought. He knew that it's a long fight to Jade Mountain Academy, but he never thought that it would be this long!

"We're here!" Icicle interrupted his thoughts as a huge mountain came into view. Great. New 'friends' and new places. Why can't I just go home?

He looked around. Winter saw SandWings, SeaWings, SkyWings, RainWings, and his worst enemy, NightWings. As he landed, Winter was frowning. As soon as he did, the younger NightWing scurried away muttering something that sounded like directions. He was soon greeted by Fatespeaker who seemed to be done talking to the other NightWing.

"Hello! I'm Fatespeaker! Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy. Names please!" Fatespeaker said to Winter and Icicle. I hate NightWings. Winter thought as Fatespeaker droned on and on about the school.

As soon as she was done, a SandWing came into view. Act cold and harsh. Glare. Growl. Winter thought. If he was mean to them maybe they won't try to be friends with him. Of course as always, he was wrong.

"Hi, I'm Qibli! I'm your clawmate! I also like your scavenger!" The SandWing introduced himself. Qibli was a light sandy color with few dark brown freckles on his snout which also bore a small zigzag scar. He also had a gold earring on one ear with a warm orange amber teardrop hanging from it. Winter ignored him and walked toward the path that led to the prey center.

"Can you please stop following me?!" Winter shouted to Qibli who was tailing him.

"You haven't told me your name yet!" Qibli replied.

Gosh, why does he even have to know my name! It's none of his business! Well, I guess it kinda is. But still! "I am Winter, nephew of Queen Glacier of the IceWings!" He told him coldly. Winter turned and stalked off toward the prey center once again.

As soon as Winter entered, he glared, there were many dragonets that were not IceWings. He placed his scavenger cage in a safe place and went to find something to eat.

Suddenly it was chaos. Soon everyone in the room was chasing something. Winter looked over to his scavenger cage. What! Where's Bandit?! He panicked. Then realization dawned on him. Of course. My stupid clawmate.

Winter was angry. He was soon storming through the crowd. He stopped in front of the same dragonet he saw before. There was silence as he approached her. Winter was inches away when she looked up into his eyes. Nightwing. Winter observed. He hissed slowly, exhaling a hint of deadly frostbreath into the air between them.

"You have ten seconds to give me back my scavenger. Before I slice your face off." He snarled at the Nightwing.

"Night and Ice Do Not Mix" *Winterwatcher*Where stories live. Discover now