Chapter 13

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Winter turned to Moon, his heart ripping into pieces.

"It's true," Moon said. "At least, that's what Scarlet has told her. Scarlet could be lying, but Icicle believes her."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Winter said to Icicle, agony filling him.

"Because your worthless," She spat harshly. "And I don't want to waste time arguing with your moral sensibilities."

"She means she didn't want to be talked out of it," Moon countered. "And she knew you would try, and you might even have succeeded, because you are not worthless; you're smart and brave and capable of caring about other dragons."

There was only one question in his mind. "Is it really true, though?" He asked, not to either Moon or Icicle. "Hailstorm isn't dead?"

Icicle narrowed her blue menacing eyes and flicked her tail, thoughtful. "There's still time," she hissed. "We could still kill the dragonets and get him back."

Winter hesitated, his thoughts warring against each other.

He shook his head anyway. "Not with more killing. Not for Queen Scarlet. It won't work."

"Fine," Icicle snarled. "I hope you choke in a walrus and die."

She whirled and dove out the nearest window, tearing through the leaf cover and letting in a burst of sunlight.

"Icicle! Stop!" Winter yelled. He ran to the window and looked out. "Come back! We can find him together!"

There was no reply, only silence. Winter watched as Icicle flew away, turning into a black dot in the sky.

Winter heard Qibli groaning behind him, but he focused on the shrinking dot, until it vanished completely.

I'm going to look for Hailstorm, whether Icicle comes with me or not.

Winter went back to his cave and looked around. Okay. All I need to bring is Bandit.

Winter quietly exited the cave, not wanting to be noticed. When he was out of the school, he took flight, spiraling into the sky. Hmm. I'll go Northwest first. I hope they don't follow me.

Of course. It had to rain. Winter searched around, looking for shelter. No one likes rain, except maybe RainWings and SeaWings. Winter soon spotted a dense forest, thick enough to block the rain. They will never find me here I bet.

A few minutes later, Winter heard noises. Oh no. He groaned. Why did they follow me?

"Go on, get out of here. I know it's raining, but it's better than the Ice Kingdom, trust me." He hissed.

"Winter!" Kinkajou yelped. "That's him!"

Of course it's me! Who do you think I am, a random dragon who knows you?

There was a plume of fire and reflected off of his shiny scales. The group hurried over to him and Bandit.

"By all snow monsters, what are you doing here?" Winter demanded.

"Looking for you." Moon said.

"And we found you!" Kinkajou added. "We're amazing!"

"I'm not going back to Jade Mountain," he said. "I'm going to look for my brother."

"I thought so," Moon said, staring at him. "We want to help you."

"We do?" Turtle exclaimed, sounding alarmed.

"Yes!" Kinkajou said enthusiastically. "I didn't know that we did, but now I totally do!"

"You can't come with me," Winter said. "I'm going to Queen Glacier. I need to explain it all to her and get her to help me find Hailstorm."

"Wouldn't it make more sense to go to the Sky Kingdom?" Kinkajou asked. "Your brother must be imprisoned there somewhere, right? We could look for him in, like, all her mountain caves, or something."

"Or you could go after Icicle," Qibli said suddenly. "Try to find out more about what Scarlet told her."

"I don't know where she's gone." Winter hissed.

"I have a guess," Qibli said, looking at Kinkajou. "You won't like it though. I think she's gone to the rainforest. She knows the one Scarlet hates the most Glory — everyone knows that, if they know the story of what Glory did to her face. So I think Icicle might think that if she kills Glory, Scarlet will forgive her for failing to kill the others."

"Then I'm going to the rainforest," Kinkajou said fiercely. "We m not letting her kill my awesome queen."

Suddenly Moon staggered back with a cry, making the others look at her.

"Moon?" Kinkajou said, supporting the NightWing.

Daughter of two moon nights,
Shall be one of two to rewrite.

Descendant of cold pure ice,
Will sacrifice.

Together they shall rise,
learning along the way,
Or they will pay a deadly price.

You must seek the one with advice,
But make sure you are precise.

As she finished, she collapsed onto Kinkajou, making her stagger.

"By all snakes," Qibli said. "What was that?"

"That's what you've been muttering in your sleep," Kinkajou said.

"It sounds exactly like the prophecy on the cave floor," Winter said disbelievingly.

Moon stood up, her wings shaking uncontrollably. "Turtle," she said. "Please give him one of the rocks."

Winter eyed the small black rock suspiciously. What in three moons?

"What's this?" Winter asked, still looking at the rock.

"I have a lot to explain," she said. "Everything, the whole truth. I'm going to tell you everything."

"That sounds ominous." Winter commented.

"Not more ominous then Or they will pay a deadly price," Qibli said. "I hope we're all planning to talk about that, because I'm extremely unsettled right now."

"We already kinda did at school," Kinkajou said. "So, do we have to?"

"Wait, first of all," Moon interrupting the conversation. "Winter, there are a few things you need to know about me."

What does she mean?


Sorry you guys waited so long for a short chapter. I will do a longer one next time, but as you know, school is a major problem. I am also not really motivated to write this book. But, I will continue it. Hope you enjoyed! The pic above is Jade Mountain on Earth.

Remember to:




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